table scraps or dog food? what would you feed a boxer?

i had a lab-rottweiler mix. lived 14 years eating table scraps only. never had any problems or sickness that i know of. i had an akita lived 11 years on store food and table scraps. no problems

    table scraps or dog food? what would you feed a boxer?

    i had a lab-rottweiler mix. lived 14 years eating table scraps only. never had any problems or sickness that i know of. i had an akita lived 11 years on store food and table scraps. no problems...
    General Dog Discussions : table scraps or dog food? what would you feed a boxer?...

    • table scraps or dog food? what would you feed a boxer?

      table scraps or dog food? what would you feed a boxer? General Dog Discussions
      i had a lab-rottweiler mix. lived 14 years eating table scraps only. never had any problems or sickness that i know of. i had an akita lived 11 years on store food and table scraps. no problems

      table scraps or dog food? what would you feed a boxer?

      table scraps or dog food? what would you feed a boxer? General Dog Discussions
    • Well, I always feed my dogs dog food and they have lived long healthy lives. My sister was feeding her dog table scrapes and a crappy dog food and he was 30 pounds over weight. She quit feeding him both of those and started him on a better dog food. He lost the 30 pounds and is much healthier.

    • There is a lot of stuff in dog food that a dog should never eat. Dog food was introduced in 1980 and has been the choice ever since. But since the introduction of dog food vets have seen dogs life spans cut in half. Why? Because dog food is not natural. It just causes problems. And if you knew what really went into it you would never buy it ever again. I worked at the dog food plant and they actually received euthanased dogs and cats from local kill shelters to add to the mix. But that's not even the worst of it. The chemical used to put these animals to sleep can not I repeat can not be broken down and killed off in the cooking process. So every time you feed your dog its bagged dog food your also giving it a little dose of pentobarbita(chemical used to put pets to sleep). That was the day I quit. And table scraps can causes problems as well. Heart disease, high cholesterol, weight gain.... I have chosen to go back to the way dogs were fed before bagged dog food. they way wolves eat. A wolfs diet is not only raw meat. They have to get their veggies as well and they do this by eating they contents of of a prays stomach. Wolves and dogs can not break down the cellulose wall in fruits and vegetables. So in order to get all the nutrients they need they have to eat veggis and fruits that have been pulverized to say to least(I use a juicer to do this). Every day except one day a week my pack has raw meaty bones from the butcher. Very cheap the scraps that are not good enough for human consumption(liver, bones, tongue, hearts, feet, tails, etc...) We get a lot of joints necks and livers. Then once a week I go to my local grocery store and ask them for what ever fruits and veggies they couldn't sell. Excluding onions, garlic, grapes and anything spoiled and moldy. I throw what I have gotten in the food processor then threw the juicer. Mix in an egg and serve to them immediately as once the cellulose wall is broken down the produce will spoil quickly. And since going back to this way of feeding not only are my dogs coats shinier and they smell better but I have only had to take them to the vet for their yearly shots in the last two years! Where as before I was always taking them in for colds, allergies, the runs, all sorts of things. All together this has made feeding them a lot cheaper. Right now I am only spending $0.58 a day to feed all 6 of my dogs. Where as when I was feeding dog food we were going through a 50lb bag every 4 days and was spending well over $200 a month.