Dog grabbed bottle of CoQ10 suppliment?

I had a bottle of CoQ10 supplement on my nightstand. I heard the distinct noise of my dog (3yr old 50lb siberian husky) crawling under the bed and went to go see what she was up to. She never goes under the bed unless she has something she's not…

    Dog grabbed bottle of CoQ10 suppliment?

    I had a bottle of CoQ10 supplement on my nightstand. I heard the distinct noise of my dog (3yr old 50lb siberian husky) crawling under the bed and went to go see what she was up to. She never goes under the bed unless she has something she's not…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog grabbed bottle of CoQ10 suppliment?...

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    • Dog grabbed bottle of CoQ10 suppliment?

      Dog grabbed bottle of CoQ10 suppliment? General Dog Discussions
      I had a bottle of CoQ10 supplement on my nightstand. I heard the distinct noise of my dog (3yr old 50lb siberian husky) crawling under the bed and went to go see what she was up to. She never goes under the bed unless she has something she's not supposed to. Sure enough.... she had the entire bottle of supplements. Somehow that houdini had removed the top and was just about to empty the contents. I got it away as quickly as possible. It must've tasted/smelled like something good to her... when I took it away from her her pupils were enlarged like I was holding crack 10in away from a crack addict. Interesting behavior for such a picky eater. Anyway. Most of the pills are still in the bottle. She chewed on the sides of the bottle which popped off the cap & clinched the sides together sealing most of the pills inside. But it looks like some of the powder that filled the capsules was released. She licked her chops for a good while and made a hearty trip to the water bowl. Beyond that, nothing.Online it says some people actually give their dogs CoQ10 supplements on purpose. I don't. I called the vet. They said if she's not acting unusual not to be alarmed but keep watch for unusual behavior. I forgot what to ask is unusual behavior. Anyone had something like this happen?

      Dog grabbed bottle of CoQ10 suppliment?

      Dog grabbed bottle of CoQ10 suppliment? General Dog Discussions
    • Unusual would be vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, panting, yellow eye-whites, yellow gums. Or anything your dog does that's out of the ordinary--- acting needy, hiding, drinking a ton of water, urinating on the floor, etc. You would notice a change if there were a problem.I hope the staff member you spoke to actually asked the vet and then told you what the vet said. Our vets will actually come on the phone themselves in cases like that and speak with the owner directly. As a lab owner, I have had things like this happen numerous times. We even had our dogs get into ant bait. We never knew that peanut butter is used in them! Our dogs loved peanut butter.Awhile ago, I dropped a mega D (vitamin D) on the kitchen floor and never found it. A minute ago I found a sticky capsule on the living room floor. Obviously Buddy found it. A couple of months ago he got his CET veggie chews and ate 25 of them! Needless to say, he threw up the rest of the evening. Lucky for me I work for a vet and was in touch with him.If your vet is still open, call him back!! They should have told you what exactly to watch for! Their mess-up there for sure.And now you know you can't trust your Husky around supplements, medications, and probably food on the countertops, etc.