Our dog has really REALLY bad gas!! What can we do?

We have a mutt. He is part Husky (blue eyes <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/heart.png" alt="&lt;3" /> ) but we're not exactly sure what else he is. Anyway he is about 9 months old... 55lbs... and he has the WORSE smelling gas you could ever imagine. We asked the vet and she said it was just something he ate…

    Our dog has really REALLY bad gas!! What can we do?

    We have a mutt. He is part Husky (blue eyes <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/heart.png" alt="&lt;3" /> ) but we're not exactly sure what else he is. Anyway he is about 9 months old... 55lbs... and he has the WORSE smelling gas you could ever imagine. We asked the vet and she said it was just something he ate…...
    General Dog Discussions : Our dog has really REALLY bad gas!! What can we do?...

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    • Our dog has really REALLY bad gas!! What can we do?

      Our dog has really REALLY bad gas!! What can we do? General Dog Discussions
      We have a mutt. He is part Husky (blue eyes <3 ) but we're not exactly sure what else he is. Anyway he is about 9 months old... 55lbs... and he has the WORSE smelling gas you could ever imagine. We asked the vet and she said it was just something he ate but its been going on now for quite some time. We changed his food, didn't work... took his bones away... still didn't work. We've tried gas-x and that only worked for about an hour. We don't know what else to do. I feel so horrible for him because he is still a puppy and full of energy but no one wants to go near him! I also feel like his stomach is probably upset too. We can literally hear his farts... that's how bad it is. Is there anything we can give him or anything we can do to help??

      Our dog has really REALLY bad gas!! What can we do?

      Our dog has really REALLY bad gas!! What can we do? General Dog Discussions
    • Sounds like something is irritating his GI tract. It could be a food allergy, you could try changing foods to something for sensitive stomachs. I think the best out there for sensitive stomachs right now is made by Natural Balance. This could help with the gas. Also you might want to think about what water you are giving him? if it is out of the tap maybe he is sensitive to chlorine, if you are on city water. Try jugs of spring water and see if that makes any sort of change.