2 of my 60lbs Dogs ate 10 generic chocolate chip cookies each ??

I know that chocolate is not good but what about their weight and the relative small amount of chocolate that was eaten. Please answer if you've experienced this I don't need a bunch of Take them to a vet .I will if there is a danger of them being…

    2 of my 60lbs Dogs ate 10 generic chocolate chip cookies each ??

    I know that chocolate is not good but what about their weight and the relative small amount of chocolate that was eaten. Please answer if you've experienced this I don't need a bunch of Take them to a vet .I will if there is a danger of them being…...
    General Dog Discussions : 2 of my 60lbs Dogs ate 10 generic chocolate chip cookies each ??...

    • 2 of my 60lbs Dogs ate 10 generic chocolate chip cookies each ??

      2 of my 60lbs Dogs ate 10 generic chocolate chip cookies each ?? General Dog Discussions
      I know that chocolate is not good but what about their weight and the relative small amount of chocolate that was eaten. Please answer if you've experienced this I don't need a bunch of Take them to a vet .I will if there is a danger of them being injured in some way I promise. Thanks for the input

      2 of my 60lbs Dogs ate 10 generic chocolate chip cookies each ??

      2 of my 60lbs Dogs ate 10 generic chocolate chip cookies each ?? General Dog Discussions
    • They should be ok, chocolate is only fatal to a dog in lethal doses. Milk chocolate is the least harmful and Coco is the most harmful. Just watch them closley..they'll be fine!!

    • Well, a dog of 60lb could *die* from 140g of regular milk chocolate, do you think there was that much chocolate in the cookies?If they eat half that amount, there's usually excessive thirst (experience) urinating and discomfort.Any more and there can be seizures. If you're worried, act now because in an hour it might be too late. As soon as digestion starts, it could be too late.Remember, they don't always show signs of poisoning straight away, it could hit them tomorrow.

    • They should probably be fine. If you notice anything unusual, like your dog seems restless, panting, vomiting, pupils dilated, take them to the vet. But they should be fine :)

    • I know a pug that would sniff out chocolate in the house and eat it...guess his owners were right on the money when they named him Snickers! Anyways, their vet said that dogs should NEVER EVER be given chocolate...but that said, it takes quite a bit to become lethal in a dogs system. A few chocolate chips from the cookies shouldnt harm them. If I recall the vet said that they will start drinking a ton and eating grass if the chocolate is bothering them toa point where they are getting sick. If you see your dogs acting abnormally or eating grass and drinking water I think you should take them in. But my gut (no pun intended) tells me they just had a tasty treat this afternoon.Best of luck to you!!

    • I think they will be ok, they are good sized dogs and didn't get much. I would Call the vet and ask what to watch for...if they think there will be problems, etc. They won't charge you for the call, but it will make you feel better!