Will Rescue Remedy work for my dog?

My 70lb dog literally freaks out at the vets office! lol I've been told to give him some Rescue Remedy before hand to help calm him down. Anyone know if this will really help him or would I be better off giving him a couple of Benadryl to knock him…

    Will Rescue Remedy work for my dog?

    My 70lb dog literally freaks out at the vets office! lol I've been told to give him some Rescue Remedy before hand to help calm him down. Anyone know if this will really help him or would I be better off giving him a couple of Benadryl to knock him…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will Rescue Remedy work for my dog?...

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    • Will Rescue Remedy work for my dog?

      Will Rescue Remedy work for my dog? General Dog Discussions
      My 70lb dog literally freaks out at the vets office! lol I've been told to give him some Rescue Remedy before hand to help calm him down. Anyone know if this will really help him or would I be better off giving him a couple of Benadryl to knock him out?Thanks!

      Will Rescue Remedy work for my dog?

      Will Rescue Remedy work for my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a 70lb dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Impossible to know until you have tried it. It works great for some dogs & doesn't do much for others. Same for Benadryl - some will become sleepy, others will become hyper.

    • How about some training rather than drugging your dog? Get him out and socialized - classes, take him to malls to walk around outside and meet people, take him to the vet's office for very short visits and some treats when he doesn't have an appointment for anything.Rescue Remedy works well, but it depends on how severe your dog's anxiety is. If you spent some time socializing, training and counterconditioning him, the rescue remedy might do the trick. A dog his size would get 4 drops and they take about 20 minutes to take affect.

    • Give it a try. I haven't needed to use it on my dogs, only cats and on them it worked wonderfully. Pay close attention to the dosage on the flier. http://www.rescueremedy.com/pets/