My German Shepherd seems to have an ear ache.?

He can't get into the vet till tomorrow. Is there something to ease his pain tonight?

    My German Shepherd seems to have an ear ache.?

    He can't get into the vet till tomorrow. Is there something to ease his pain tonight?...
    General Dog Discussions : My German Shepherd seems to have an ear ache.?...

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    • My German Shepherd seems to have an ear ache.?

      My German Shepherd seems to have an ear ache.? General Dog Discussions
      He can't get into the vet till tomorrow. Is there something to ease his pain tonight?

      My German Shepherd seems to have an ear ache.?

      My German Shepherd seems to have an ear ache.? General Dog Discussions
    • I actually wouldn't recommend giving asprin. For years and years many veterinarians suggested it for dogs, even for long term use. But we don't anymore, too many complications and much better drugs have been developed that are safer and work better. Also, as someone else suggested baby asprin, that is such a small dose, I doubt it would be beneficial at all anyways.Benadryl can soothe an itchy ear though. The dose depends on weight. If your GSD is lets say 70lbs, he can have 3 tablets, they usually come as 25mg tablets.