My dog swallowed pieces of a turkey loaf pan?

Yesterday night my puppy tore up half of a turkey load pan. He is a pit/rot mix about 75lbs. I found a bunch of little pieces but it did not look like the whole pan was there. I took him to the vet this morning and they gave him antibiotics, steroids,…

    My dog swallowed pieces of a turkey loaf pan?

    Yesterday night my puppy tore up half of a turkey load pan. He is a pit/rot mix about 75lbs. I found a bunch of little pieces but it did not look like the whole pan was there. I took him to the vet this morning and they gave him antibiotics, steroids,…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog swallowed pieces of a turkey loaf pan?...

    • My dog swallowed pieces of a turkey loaf pan?

      My dog swallowed pieces of a turkey loaf pan? General Dog Discussions
      Yesterday night my puppy tore up half of a turkey load pan. He is a pit/rot mix about 75lbs. I found a bunch of little pieces but it did not look like the whole pan was there. I took him to the vet this morning and they gave him antibiotics, steroids, and a anti inflammatory. He seems really sleepy now, not sure if its because of the meds. He is just acting a little different. One thing he did and it was only for a few seconds, he went threw the motions like he had to poop, it was rapid and nothing came out but it is worrying me. The vet said it is most likely throat irritation because he was coughing and hacking a lot but I'm more afraid of the pieces tearing his insides. I asked about it and she didn't seemed too concerned. She said it he was not better in a week to come in for x-rays. I live about 40 mins from a 24 hour vet. I would drive like crazy but its still far. Could I just be worrying too much?

      My dog swallowed pieces of a turkey loaf pan?

      My dog swallowed pieces of a turkey loaf pan? General Dog Discussions
    • i think if you have already been to the vet, keeping a good eye on him at least overnight would be okay ... if you are still concerned in the morning, you can give the vet another call ... i had a dog who ate a shattered glass pie plate (and the entire pie) and when i brought him to the emergency vet i was pretty much told the same thing ... the vet did suggest adding a bit of bran to his food to (sorry to be gross) bulk up his stools which would help pass the glass from his system without hurting him ... after the first night he was perfectly fine ... he passed all the glass without problem and lived a good long life ... you might want to ask your vet about doing that ...