my sister had ah bag with ah pound of m&ms in it. this morning we woke up and found it completely empty and the bag was ripped open. we assume 1 or both of our dogs ate the m&ms. 1 of our dogs weighs around 75lbs she's ah labrador and the other is an…


    my sister had ah bag with ah pound of m&ms in it. this morning we woke up and found it completely empty and the bag was ripped open. we assume 1 or both of our dogs ate the m&ms. 1 of our dogs weighs around 75lbs she's ah labrador and the other is an…...

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    • If you haven't seen any negative effects yet, then they will be OK.

    • Not entirely true what they said above,,,, its pure chocolate that can be dangerouse to dogs observe them for an hours or so and see..M&ms are not pure chocolate, also at that size I think the worst will be the drizziling skids (loose you know what)

    • What chocolate does is speed up their heart rate so what would kill them is heart attack. Baker's chocolate is worst because it has the highest cacao content. My lab used to eat chocolate cake and things all the time and she's okay, they just pant for a while. Make sure they have lots of water and aren't playing too much (they probably won't want to though). Of course call your vet to make sure.

    • Yes. I would have the dogs monitored or at least checked out by the vet. Chocolate can damage a dog's kidneys, heart muscle, and nervous system; that damage may take a bit of time to show. Call your vet.

    • yes, go ahead and call your vet. There is no charge asking for advise from the vet. However, I think your dogs will be fine because the amount of coco in M&Ms are very little. But still, go ahead and call your vet.

    • my small dog did that my son was eating a chocolet cupcake and she jumped up and grabed it from him i called the vet and the vet said give her a cap of peroxide it will make her throw up all the chocolet she ate so i did and she got it all out and never went after another cupcake again

    • Dogs should never eat chocolate as it can make them very ill and could even kill them if they have to much of it.If I were you then i would take both of them to the vets and explain that they could of had chocolate and they are the experts and will know what to do.Good luck and hope I helped :)

    • You should call your vet, the chocolate is poisonous for the dog. The chocolate contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, theobromine increases urination and affects the central nervous system. The symptoms of your dog eating the chocolate include vomiting, diarrhea or hyperacivity. Little FACT!Milk chocolate: 1 ounce per pound of body weight. Approximately one pound of milk chocolate is poisonous to a 20-pound dog; one-half pound for a 10-pound dog. The average chocolate bar contains 2 to 3 ounces of milk chocolate. It would take 2-3 candy bars to poison a 10 pound dog. Semi-sweet chocolate has a similar toxic level.GET THIS DOG TO THE VET QUICKLY!!!

    • Hello,Both of your dogs ate one pound of m&m's. Wow. If i were you call your vet right away. Chocolate can kill dogs. What you need to do is bring that m&m bag with you and show your vet. Your vet will probaly give them both charcoal to make them throw it all up. When you arrive at your vet's office tell them exactly what happened when you woke up with your sister. One more detail, i am sorry to hear about your dogs. Man that must be pretty hard to see your pets go through this. I am a dog mom of three. I know exactly what you are going through. One of my walker hounds ate a plant that is called a money tree. Oh boy, when we came home her face looked just like a charpei dog, wow i mean her face was all puffy and we took her to the emergency vet. Our vet had to give her medicine and he explained that she was allergic to it. That was the longest vet visit we have ever had. I wish the both of you the best of luck, and i hope that your dogs are going to be alright. I hope every thing turns out for the better for you and your sister.

    • chocolate is not good for dogs, however, a small amount like this shouldnt do any damage this time round but try to be more careful, keep an eye on them both for a while and if there is any change in their behaviour then get some advice from a vet. x

    • no they should be fine, i had the same situation wiv my lab and the after eight mints at christmas, plus the bag of chocolates were shared between your 2 dogs so not as harmfull. just keep them out of reach next time lol. xx