All three dogs itching like crazy and don't have fleas, what could it be?

I have three dogs who do not have fleas and at the same time about a month and a half ago all started biting and itching at themselves like crazy. I haven't changed detergents or anything, or treated the yard with anything, and since they all eat the…

    All three dogs itching like crazy and don't have fleas, what could it be?

    I have three dogs who do not have fleas and at the same time about a month and a half ago all started biting and itching at themselves like crazy. I haven't changed detergents or anything, or treated the yard with anything, and since they all eat the…...
    General Dog Discussions : All three dogs itching like crazy and don't have fleas, what could it be?...

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    • All three dogs itching like crazy and don't have fleas, what could it be?

      All three dogs itching like crazy and don't have fleas, what could it be? General Dog Discussions
      I have three dogs who do not have fleas and at the same time about a month and a half ago all started biting and itching at themselves like crazy. I haven't changed detergents or anything, or treated the yard with anything, and since they all eat the same dog food I doubt they all developed an allergy to it at the same time. I bathe them with medicated shampoo (that I've used before with no problem) and they still tear themselves up with their teeth and claws. They all were at the vet in June to the tune of over $300 and I am trying to solve this without having to shell out more money at the vet if I can avoid it.

      All three dogs itching like crazy and don't have fleas, what could it be?

      All three dogs itching like crazy and don't have fleas, what could it be? General Dog Discussions
    • I've heard of dogs getting an irritating skin disease from frequent bathing, how often do you bathe them? Have you called the vet, maybe he could give ya some ideas of what it could be without taking them in. Hope you find out what the problem is. Good luck.

    • Give your dogs over the counter meds like benadyrl (for kids) Use the measurments on the bottle for your dogs weight. It works for my dog. (he's 30-35 pounds: 1 teaspoon.)I only feed my dog once a day. You may want to put something extra in the food bowl, my dog doesn't like taking his meds.

    • My friend is having the same problem. Her son was bit all over by something too & she thought it was fleas, but it wasnt. Come to find out it was chiggers....little tiny bugs that are in weeds or high grass. They bite people & dogs. She took her son to the ER & they gave him some lotion, I dont know if it would help the dogs but you could call the vet & ask him what to put on chigger bites. The Dr. said because its been such a hot & dry summer that they have just went berserk out in the grasses. Good luck.

    • My PitBull has the same type of problems and the vet says he has allergies of some sort. They gave him a type of cortizone shot and the symptoms improved drastically withing 24 hours. The shots last appoximately 4 weeks before wearing off. Matter of fact my dog is due for another one.

    • I had the same problem with one of our dogs. Turns out she is highly sensitive to mosquito bites. She also has problems with seasonal allergies, just like people. The dogs do take the flea meds with the tick & mosquito protection too, but she still reacts to mosquito bites. Hope this helps.

    • The medicated shampoo may be too strong for them. Try to use a calming shampoo for Dogs like Oatmeal or tea tree oil. But also make sure you wash all the soap off- even if you don't see any suds...wash again . Most of the time, we think the soap is removed but there is still some leftover and this can be very drying to the dog's skin. Also do not wash often, this can strip them of natural oils- depending on breed, I would say once a month is sufficient.