Is Addiction brand dog food good for dog's with allergies?

My yorkie has been diagnosed with allergies, and suffers from terrible itching. The vet believes the allergy may be related to his food. Has anyone had any success out of using Addiction brand dog food in Kangeroo and Apples in dealing with their dog's…

    Is Addiction brand dog food good for dog's with allergies?

    My yorkie has been diagnosed with allergies, and suffers from terrible itching. The vet believes the allergy may be related to his food. Has anyone had any success out of using Addiction brand dog food in Kangeroo and Apples in dealing with their dog's…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is Addiction brand dog food good for dog's with allergies?...

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    • Is Addiction brand dog food good for dog's with allergies?

      Is Addiction brand dog food good for dog's with allergies? General Dog Discussions
      My yorkie has been diagnosed with allergies, and suffers from terrible itching. The vet believes the allergy may be related to his food. Has anyone had any success out of using Addiction brand dog food in Kangeroo and Apples in dealing with their dog's allergies?

      Is Addiction brand dog food good for dog's with allergies?

      Is Addiction brand dog food good for dog's with allergies? General Dog Discussions