Why does my dog rub and drags her butt against the floor?

I have a 1 year 8 month old shepard mix lab. For some reason she puts her butt against the floor/carpet and rubs and starts to drag it against the floor. She does constantly across the room as long as its carpeted. Does anyone know why a dog would do…

    Why does my dog rub and drags her butt against the floor?

    I have a 1 year 8 month old shepard mix lab. For some reason she puts her butt against the floor/carpet and rubs and starts to drag it against the floor. She does constantly across the room as long as its carpeted. Does anyone know why a dog would do…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog rub and drags her butt against the floor?...

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    • Why does my dog rub and drags her butt against the floor?

      Why does my dog rub and drags her butt against the floor? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 1 year 8 month old shepard mix lab. For some reason she puts her butt against the floor/carpet and rubs and starts to drag it against the floor. She does constantly across the room as long as its carpeted. Does anyone know why a dog would do that. She's fixed since she was 5 or 6 month old and she doesn't go into menstration. Does anyone know what the reason could be?

      Why does my dog rub and drags her butt against the floor?

      Why does my dog rub and drags her butt against the floor? General Dog Discussions
    • Her anal glands may need to be expressed. That's the usual reason. Take her to the vet or groomer, who can do it for you. Ask them to teach you, so you can do it yourself from now on. It's especially a problem is very small dogs, and labs.

    • It could be a few things:1 - There might be a little "residue" stuck down there2 - She might have a little itch3 - She may be having problems with her anal glands (The groomer or vet can help you with this...)

    • There are three general reasons for butt dragging by dogs. #1 is worms (an easily treatable problem) #2 is anal gland's that are irritated or clogged - pretty painful sometimes. (a vet can fix it and then diet change is necessary) and #3 - constipation which causes small tears that apparently itch horrible as they are healing (also fixed by diet - speak to vet). A quick trip to the vet should answer the question as to which reason is your poor dogs problem!

    • Dogs have anal glads in the entrance to their rectum. They can become clogged and then irritate the dog, so the dogs tries to relieve the pressure by scooting across the floor.Take him to a vet and tell them of the scooting, they will express the glands and that should help stop your dog from scooting. I used to have to take my dog in every year or so for that.

    • There are a few people who have it right.It is his anal glands. They need to be emptied.A Vet or a Groomer and do that for you and show you how.The last thing you want is for one or the other to become abscessed.