Ways to get your dog to stop itching from allergies?

My dog has allergies and and is always non-stop itching at this time of the year. Is their any simple ways to relieve him from itching??

    Ways to get your dog to stop itching from allergies?

    My dog has allergies and and is always non-stop itching at this time of the year. Is their any simple ways to relieve him from itching??...
    General Dog Discussions : Ways to get your dog to stop itching from allergies?...

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    • Ways to get your dog to stop itching from allergies?

      Ways to get your dog to stop itching from allergies? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has allergies and and is always non-stop itching at this time of the year. Is their any simple ways to relieve him from itching??

      Ways to get your dog to stop itching from allergies?

      Ways to get your dog to stop itching from allergies? General Dog Discussions
    • If you can determine the source of his allergies and remove it - i.e. is he allergic to an ingredient in his food? then it will solve the problem.Otherwise, there are medications similar ti benadryle that your vet can prescribe if his allergies are severe enough.

    • I've dealt with bad allergies from a couple dogs. There's certainly no easy answer. But the few things to do are...1. Find out what the allergy is to, and avoid it at all cost.2. Give some Benadryl while you figure out what the allergy is, and until the reaction goes away (it takes a while after getting away from the allergen to notice improvement).3. Give them a spoonful of yogurt daily to fight yeast infections that they are prone to getting when they have allergies.

    • My dog had severe environmental allergies to grasses, pine trees, dust, weeds, dander.Here's things that worked:1. K9 lycra top coat body suit (pricey, but it really does help)2. beta-thyme - this is a natural, no side effect plant steroid that regulates and balances the immune system. My vet put my dog on this to control the symptoms while we healed her.3. dermagic lotion (will not cure by itself but greatly helps bad skin spots)4. ester c - vitamin C is an anti histamine and dogs who are sick or stressed like from itching bodies don't produce as much C as they would when healthy.5. omega 3 fish oil6. soil based probiotics (digestive and immune health are closely linked)7. aloe vera - topically and internally8. raw food diet - or a very good quality grain free kibble.WHAT DID NOT WORK:1. Nzymes.com2. Various expensive shampoos, including prescription shampoos3. Tea tree oil - my dog had allergic reactions to it4. Lots of other essential oils5. Homeopathics - maybe will work for some..6. Apple cider vinegar - again might work for some7. Anti histamines - benadryl has a 30% chance of helping canine allergies. claritin has an even lower chance.8. Steroids - suppress the immune system, have bad side effects, and doesn't promote healing.9. Antibiotics10. Vitamin A therapy - works for some dogs though, not for mine.Unfortunately, nothing is simple about canine allergies. What works for some owners, don't work for others. My friend used duralactin for her dog's hot spots and it worked, but I don't read much success with it for all dogs. There's a lot of products out there claiming to help dogs with skin problems, there's so many because so many dogs suffer and owners can't find a simple - or any - way to help.What is proven to work for all dogs is a good diet. It might not completely cure but it will definitely help.