Would a breeder sell me a pharaoh hound if I live in a loft?

I live in a big one bedroom loft in a very nice area. There are fenced areas in the community for the pet community and i exercise daily, so it would have plenty of free time to relieve its self and run freely throughout the day every day. Yet, I…

    Would a breeder sell me a pharaoh hound if I live in a loft?

    I live in a big one bedroom loft in a very nice area. There are fenced areas in the community for the pet community and i exercise daily, so it would have plenty of free time to relieve its self and run freely throughout the day every day. Yet, I…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would a breeder sell me a pharaoh hound if I live in a loft?...

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    • Would a breeder sell me a pharaoh hound if I live in a loft?

      Would a breeder sell me a pharaoh hound if I live in a loft? General Dog Discussions
      I live in a big one bedroom loft in a very nice area. There are fenced areas in the community for the pet community and i exercise daily, so it would have plenty of free time to relieve its self and run freely throughout the day every day. Yet, I understand most breeders won't even consider it, it still being an apartment and all, not a house.

      Would a breeder sell me a pharaoh hound if I live in a loft?

      Would a breeder sell me a pharaoh hound if I live in a loft? General Dog Discussions
    • Don't buy dogs from breeders. The ASPCA has asked that everyone adopt dogs from shelters, not breeders, because there is so much overpopulation. Dog breeders are really not very responsible people, so don't do business with them.

    • This is something you and the breeder should discuss. Some breeders will make very rare exceptions if you keep in close contact with them and have people to refer you (past vets if you have owned a dog, past breeder or rescue if ever, ect ect). Don't be shy to call and talk to breeders about your plans with the possible puppy, they should be happy to discuss, if not, then I can somewhat understand but it wouldn't hurt to try.Referring to top comment, always seek a reputable dog breeder. Always get yourself a dog from someone who works their dog for titles of any sort recognized by AKC or Clubs