Will my dog's leg hurt after his cast is off?

My 5 month old Sheltie broke his leg by jumping from my arms onto the concrete. The vet said that I could take his cast off a week or so ago whenever the 6 weeks is up. Its been 6 weeks and I took his cast off. A couple of times while its been off he has…

    Will my dog's leg hurt after his cast is off?

    My 5 month old Sheltie broke his leg by jumping from my arms onto the concrete. The vet said that I could take his cast off a week or so ago whenever the 6 weeks is up. Its been 6 weeks and I took his cast off. A couple of times while its been off he has…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog's leg hurt after his cast is off?...

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    • Will my dog's leg hurt after his cast is off?

      Will my dog's leg hurt after his cast is off? General Dog Discussions
      My 5 month old Sheltie broke his leg by jumping from my arms onto the concrete. The vet said that I could take his cast off a week or so ago whenever the 6 weeks is up. Its been 6 weeks and I took his cast off. A couple of times while its been off he has squealed his squeal of pain. He is walking on it but I'm just wondering if its normal for it to hurt and if so how long will he be in pain?My vet did x ray his cast last week. That's when she said i could cut it off. It wasnt plaster or anything just a splint with a bunch of wrapping and tape

      Will my dog's leg hurt after his cast is off?

      Will my dog's leg hurt after his cast is off? General Dog Discussions
    • This vet said YOU could take his cast off? I would find another vet! If anything the dog needs to be x rayed and a good vet would have made sure this happened as the leg might not be healed completely. Find another vet fast!

    • I second the poster above me, the vet was retarded to tell you to cut off a cast yourself. The vet should have wanted to remove it and check to see it was properly healed, as well as give you any after-care instructions.This is definitely a question best suited to your veterinarian. I would actually recommend you do contact the vet if she cries anymore, because that could mean the injury healed incorrectly or incompletely, and safe is always better than sorry. That being said, the leg will be weak and it takes a little adjusting to that, but 6 weeks isn't long enough that it should be killing the dog to walk because it's not like the muscles have all atrophied or anything. Good luck I hope he's well soon.

    • Yes, it will probably hurt quite a bit.My puppy, same age, just came out of her cast after being in it for almost two months.If you think about it, that leg has been in a cast for so long that its grown stiff, muscles have atrophied, and the leg rubbing on the cast probably has left some sores.Ellie (my pup) squealed every once in a while in the first days after the cast came off. At first she wouldn't put any weight on it. But we just let her go at her own pace and build up muscle again.A week later she was walking perfectly fine, and now you'd never know it was even broken!I'd give him 2-3 weaks for the soreness to wear off, more or less depending on his healing rate. Stiffness is perfectly normal. Just let him go at his own pace.Did your vet take an x-ray after the cast came off? They'll usually do one to make sure its healed properly. With small dogs sometimes it doesn't heal correctly because of lower blood circulation in the legsAlso, your vet probably told you, but the first week after the cast comes off is when the leg will be at its weakest point, as it no longer has the protection/stability of the cast. Be particularly careful now so that he doesn't rebreak it. No strenuous exercise or jumping (hard with a puppy, isnt it lol?)

    • Yes he will be in a bit of pain and a bit uncomfortable for the next few days, your vet should have prescribed you some mild pain relievers such as Metacam to give during a time like this. The bone is still newly healed, and it's normal to have a bit of muscle loss when a limb is casted. Take it very slow, and if you think that he is in alot of pain, you should definitely go and check him out again as having a cast on for 6 weeks is ONLY the minimum. Sometimes, when taking a cast off, many vets will put on a light wrap, just to keep the leg a bit more padded and protected until the whole thing eventually comes off. I'm not sure if your vet has told you about rehabilitation or physiotherapy, however, it is a great thing (either you vet will have an idea of exercises, stretches and massages, or will send you to a clinic with a rehab technician). This really helps speed up the process of recovery and gets you dog back into shape quickly and decreases pain as well! Good luck with your little guy

    • I have never heard of a vet letting the patient cut off the cast themselves. But yes, for a little while it will be sore since he hasnt been able to use it for awhile.

    • he will be in slight pain be the bone is so used to not supporting its selflet him rest but keep him moving at the same timewalk him very slowlyand he will eventually if it doesnt help in a few more daysGO TO A ANIMAL HOSPITALdont be cruel and make him suffer!p.sbe his servant bring his food and entertanment to him

    • it might be sore for a bit because it's been casted in place and it needs to stretch out it might take a couple days or weeks for it 2 feelbetter mostly bcuz dogs have more fragile bones then humans so u could try massaging it 2 ease his pain he might squeal at first but then he'll get used 2 it