My dog hit his underbelly pretty hard. what symptoms should i be watching for?

cooper 5 yo lab 80 pds. tried to jump up to a dock and missed. he hit his underbelly really hard. he yelped for a min and then seemed okay. he wont eat or drink. i have been giving him egg/milk mixture via syringe as well as pedialite 50/50. what…

    My dog hit his underbelly pretty hard. what symptoms should i be watching for?

    cooper 5 yo lab 80 pds. tried to jump up to a dock and missed. he hit his underbelly really hard. he yelped for a min and then seemed okay. he wont eat or drink. i have been giving him egg/milk mixture via syringe as well as pedialite 50/50. what…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog hit his underbelly pretty hard. what symptoms should i be watching for?...

    • My dog hit his underbelly pretty hard. what symptoms should i be watching for?

      My dog hit his underbelly pretty hard. what symptoms should i be watching for? General Dog Discussions
      cooper 5 yo lab 80 pds. tried to jump up to a dock and missed. he hit his underbelly really hard. he yelped for a min and then seemed okay. he wont eat or drink. i have been giving him egg/milk mixture via syringe as well as pedialite 50/50. what symptoms should i watch for? he is normally very very active. wont get up and when he does he wont walk fa. i dont have the money for emergency vet until friday. can anyone advise? Thanks

      My dog hit his underbelly pretty hard. what symptoms should i be watching for?

      My dog hit his underbelly pretty hard. what symptoms should i be watching for? General Dog Discussions
    • If this were my dog I would at least call the Vet and see if they want to see the dog. Watch his poop. If you see blood or dark colored or coffee ground looking areas, find the money and get to the Vet. He has internal bleeding.

    • He could have anything from just superficial soreness to internal injury, to a bruised or even lacerated internal organ, like the liver. He could have internal bleeding, which can be very serious.Is his midsection looking at all bloated? That can be sign of serious internal bleeding.You don't have to go to an emergency vet first for this. Go to your regular vet. There are various blood/liver enzyme tests they can run to see what's up, Tell your vet what you can afford right now and he/she can concentrate on what tests he/she thinks is the priority.One of my dogs was recently hit by a car. We took him straight to our own vet. He had no serious visible injuries, so they looked to internal injury. One liver enzyme tested literally off the chart. They said it was indicative of abdominal trauma, anything from bruising to laceration.Turned out to be only bruising. Took the dog a full 7-10 days of laying low to fully recover. His appetite was off for several days.Cost of that particular liver enzyme test: $17. Not that you'd ask for just that test, but just an indication that this stuff isn't all godawful expensive.That said, the total cost for that vet visit, which included 3 xrays, an ultrasound and alot of bloodwork, was @ $600 .. but that was for soup-to-nuts complete triage of a dog going into shock from a car hit.PS - regarding the comment about cow milk. If your dog tolerates it, then no worries at all.