Any tips to get my dog to take pills?

He's on 16 pills a day right now, 8 in the am and 8 in the pm. He's been really sick lately with a staff infection and skin rashes. Thankfully he's much better, but I have to continue with the antibiotics for 2 weeks. Everytime I try to hide the pill…

    Any tips to get my dog to take pills?

    He's on 16 pills a day right now, 8 in the am and 8 in the pm. He's been really sick lately with a staff infection and skin rashes. Thankfully he's much better, but I have to continue with the antibiotics for 2 weeks. Everytime I try to hide the pill…...
    General Dog Discussions : Any tips to get my dog to take pills?...

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    • Any tips to get my dog to take pills?

      Any tips to get my dog to take pills? General Dog Discussions
      He's on 16 pills a day right now, 8 in the am and 8 in the pm. He's been really sick lately with a staff infection and skin rashes. Thankfully he's much better, but I have to continue with the antibiotics for 2 weeks. Everytime I try to hide the pill with peanut butter or meat he spits the pill out. I'm getting frustrated!

      Any tips to get my dog to take pills?

      Any tips to get my dog to take pills? General Dog Discussions
    • This sounds gross but the only way my dog will take a pill is if I hide it in a little bit of liver sausage, you know that stuff you can get by the lunchmeat. I just take a little bit and shove the pill right in the middle and give it to her. She loves it and she thinks she is getting a treat!

    • ive tried the whole hiding with meat and everything too, but what u are just gonna have to do is kinda hold his head at an angle and open his mouth really wide and stick it at the back of his throat, usually when they close their mouth they will swallow because they feel something n the back of their throat. easiest way if he wont take it with food.

    • they have like these treats at some pet stores that have a hole in it so u can put the pill in there...we did that with my cat when he was worked pretty well...

    • Place the pill on the back of his tounge and close his mouth.hold his snout and tilt his head back,Rub his throat to relax him and he should swallow it. make sure to keep saying things like "Good boy, ect."

    • If you feed him dog food like Pedigree or Chum get one of the SOLID meat bits and force it in there (he can't pick them out), you might want to try hand feeding him the tablets with meat and keeping his mouth closed.

    • I've had to give tons of pills to dogs over the years, here's a few things that may work: Wrap them in cheese, canned food, or even lunch meat (you didn't really say what kind of meat you'd tried?) Also maybe try stuffing them in a cooked hamburger patty. There is also a treat out there for dogs called pill pockets. They're like a little beef jerky treat but they have a small pocket in them to stuff a pill in. Those might work as they're nice and stinky, dogs love stinky! Good luck and I hope your dog gets better!

    • Ok if the pill is solid break it in half and wrap in cheese slice... if it is a capsule, open it up and put in a small dish of milk or canned dog food, if this does not work, tilt the head right back pull the jaw open and with the other hand with two fingers insert the pill down the throat, back of the tongue, you should have no problems. I have a pit bull and a rottie,

    • the easiest way is to stick them in his throat. That way you know he actually is getting them, but that is the hardest route. To do that you need to grasp behind his canine teeth with one hand and use the other to open his mouth (make sure you have the pills in your hand when opening his mouth). Then stick the pills right at the back of his tongue...almost shoving them into his throat, but make sure to do it gently as we don't want him to choke. Another route is crushing the pills up and sticking them into some cream cheese or peanut butter, but since he is getting used to the peanut butter I would try the cream cheese. Give him only like 1 tbs if he is a large dog and about 1tsp if he is somewhat small. Make sure you don't give him any other food for atleast 3 hours before to almost guarantee that he will eat the cream cheese. If these don't work your vet should sell what we call "pill poppers". They hold about all of the pills and just "shoot" the pills down the throat without you sticking your fingers inside of his mouth. you just stick the popper into the space between his teeth and cheek. At the back of the mouth there is a small space where the pill popper will fit and is almost gives a direct route to the throat. Goodluck with this. Many dogs can be very stubborn

    • Crush the pills so they are tiny pieces or powder. Then mix them in some canned dog food. It wouldn't take much of the canned food to disguise the crushed pills if you usually don't feed him that. He'll think he is getting a treat. I'm glad to hear he is on the way to recovery.And with antibiotics, even though a human or animal seems well, it's important to take all the medication that's prescribed.

    • try rotating the type of food you are putting the pills in. My Goliath likes his in hot dogs. But cheese and liver sausage both work well. Don't put them all in one piece of meat or cheese. Use smaller bites so he doesn't have to chew as much and won't taste them. You could also try crushing them and putting them in water in a syringe. Then lift his muzzle and gently squirt the water in the back of his mouth, not down his throat.