A good food to mix with dry dog food?

I am getting a Great Dane, and I am looking to see if it was a good idea, if so, what type of human food would be acceptable to mix with a premium dog food, Nutri Source. I have seen many recipes with raw or cooked meat along with veggies. So I thought…

    A good food to mix with dry dog food?

    I am getting a Great Dane, and I am looking to see if it was a good idea, if so, what type of human food would be acceptable to mix with a premium dog food, Nutri Source. I have seen many recipes with raw or cooked meat along with veggies. So I thought…...
    General Dog Discussions : A good food to mix with dry dog food?...

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    • A good food to mix with dry dog food?

      A good food to mix with dry dog food? General Dog Discussions
      I am getting a Great Dane, and I am looking to see if it was a good idea, if so, what type of human food would be acceptable to mix with a premium dog food, Nutri Source. I have seen many recipes with raw or cooked meat along with veggies. So I thought of supplementing half of what he would eat in dry food, for something else also healthy. Any and all realistic answers would be greatly appreciated!When I mean human food, I was implying fresh veggies, or something to that nature. I would never feed any dog, hot dogs or cheddar cheese. Seriously! I have another small dog, and we are transitioning him to the food the breeder has suggested we feed our Great Dane.

      A good food to mix with dry dog food?

      A good food to mix with dry dog food? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs need certain amounts of certain nutrients, and the absolute best way to make sure they get that is to pick a good quality kibble, and stick with that. While there are plenty of fresh foods that can be said to be good for them, the fact remains that when you feed them something other than kibble, it can upset the balance. Dogs that get human food tend to get finicky, and then their diet is completely off. Even things like spinach can contain too much iron, and can cause problems. And don't feed your dog raw meat - it is still as germy if your dog eats as if you eat it - and you could get very sick as a result. If your dog is coming from a reputable breeder, they will tell you what to feed your dog to keep him healthy. Stick with that - good breeders know their dogs best, and different breeds do well on different foods. Taking suggestions for random strangers over the internet could actually get you in a lot of trouble - the wrong food can cause gas, and gas can kill a Great Dane in under an hour. Make sure to read up on bloat/GDV and know the signs, never give your Dane ice water or ice cubes (it too can cause bloat), and ask any questions you have of your breeder or vet first. There are Great Dane people on here, but your first source of information should always be the breeder and vet, and lots of other people on here don't know that Danes are very different from other dogs.

    • Your dog needs a steady diet of one thing. Adding things like meat or veggies to his kibble will throw off the nutritional balance of the food. You can give him meat and veggies, even a certain few types of fruit as a TREAT, but not as part of his daily meal unless you are going to switch him onto the raw diet completely.

    • We feed our Saint's NutriSource Lg. breed Chicken grain free mixed 50/50 with homemade foods that I make myself. They get cooked fresh meats such as, Chicken breasts (boneless)or cooked ground Turkey, Beef,Chicken livers, etc. depends whats on sale that week or what I have in the freezer and fresh veggies such as, Broccoli, Carrots, Green Beans, Yams, Beets, Zucchini, etc. Blueberries, Bananas, Strawberries, Orange, Apples. I make a big pot, that last about 4-5 days in the fridge, I just heat up a serving in the microwave, & mix w/ their kibble. They also get, MSM, Fish Oils, Glucosamine, Ester C, and a dollap of plain non-fat yogurt for belly health! I work closely with our vet & she approves of their diet 100%. They are healthy & happy, I give raw knuckle bones outside which keeps their teeth clean! And they love to chew on raw Carrots, NEVER give Rawhide!! Fresh whole foods are GOOD for dogs, they cannot thrive on dry processed kibble alone!! Hope this helps, good luck!!