Why does my dog eat his poop?

My pug has recently started eating his own poop. He doesn't go near my other dogs, just his own. Why is he doing this, and how do I stop it?

    Why does my dog eat his poop?

    My pug has recently started eating his own poop. He doesn't go near my other dogs, just his own. Why is he doing this, and how do I stop it?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog eat his poop?...

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    • Why does my dog eat his poop?

      Why does my dog eat his poop? General Dog Discussions
      My pug has recently started eating his own poop. He doesn't go near my other dogs, just his own. Why is he doing this, and how do I stop it?

      Why does my dog eat his poop?

      Why does my dog eat his poop? General Dog Discussions
    • Your dog may not be absorbing all of the nutrients in his own dog food when he eats, so then it is passed in his poop. When he comes across it again, it still has some of his food particles in it and he wants to eat it again. To prevent it, you need to pick it up after he goes each time or your dog is going to have crap breath! You can try to correct him by telling him no when you see him do it and pull him away, but pugs can be stubborn about those types of things. Best to remove the recycleables! Not to mention this is how your dog can get a parasite and need additional vet care.