What kind of food should a dibetic dog have?

I have just learned my dog is diabetic. I have ordered medication but wonder what kind of diet to feed him if he won't eat commercial food.

    What kind of food should a dibetic dog have?

    I have just learned my dog is diabetic. I have ordered medication but wonder what kind of diet to feed him if he won't eat commercial food....
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of food should a dibetic dog have?...

    • What kind of food should a dibetic dog have?

      What kind of food should a dibetic dog have? General Dog Discussions
      I have just learned my dog is diabetic. I have ordered medication but wonder what kind of diet to feed him if he won't eat commercial food.

      What kind of food should a dibetic dog have?

      What kind of food should a dibetic dog have? General Dog Discussions
    • Just feed him measured amounts of DOG FOOD. Use the same brand ALWAYS. Also, regardless of what your vet tells you, his blood sugar should be between 80 and 120. Most veterinarians do NOT know how to treat diabetes effectively in animals.

    • please only feed your dog 2 times a day and with the insulin (if you have to give him it yet) some times (very rare in dogs) a diet change will cure it but ask you vet if it is an option for dogs. other wise just feed him his own food or specially prescribed food from vet if vet thinks he needs it.good luck