symptoms of overdose of ivermectin paste for horses in a dog?

My 6 pound dog ate some of the ivermection paste the horse spit out. Now her eyes are blue and it seems she can not see. What can I do?

    symptoms of overdose of ivermectin paste for horses in a dog?

    My 6 pound dog ate some of the ivermection paste the horse spit out. Now her eyes are blue and it seems she can not see. What can I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : symptoms of overdose of ivermectin paste for horses in a dog?...

    • symptoms of overdose of ivermectin paste for horses in a dog?

      symptoms of overdose of ivermectin paste for horses in a dog? General Dog Discussions
      My 6 pound dog ate some of the ivermection paste the horse spit out. Now her eyes are blue and it seems she can not see. What can I do?

      symptoms of overdose of ivermectin paste for horses in a dog?

      symptoms of overdose of ivermectin paste for horses in a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • She needs to be seen by a vet immediately, where bloodwork and a urinalysis can be conducted. **A toxic dose of Ivermectin is 10-20X the recommended dose1/10 of a cc per 10 lbs-is how Ivermectin is dosed. So you need to let the vet know how much you think she ingested from the paste/how much you used.