How long before Revolution goes bad? And can you mix it for larger dogs?

I have an old tube of Revolution, and I was curious how long that stuff lasts? Also if you can mix tubes of it, for a larger dog. Like 2, 5-10 lbs packages, for a 20 pound dog. Any help is appreciated. I would like to thank everyone that answered the…

    How long before Revolution goes bad? And can you mix it for larger dogs?

    I have an old tube of Revolution, and I was curious how long that stuff lasts? Also if you can mix tubes of it, for a larger dog. Like 2, 5-10 lbs packages, for a 20 pound dog. Any help is appreciated. I would like to thank everyone that answered the…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long before Revolution goes bad? And can you mix it for larger dogs?...

    • How long before Revolution goes bad? And can you mix it for larger dogs?

      How long before Revolution goes bad? And can you mix it for larger dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I have an old tube of Revolution, and I was curious how long that stuff lasts? Also if you can mix tubes of it, for a larger dog. Like 2, 5-10 lbs packages, for a 20 pound dog. Any help is appreciated. I would like to thank everyone that answered the question. I finally found the expiration date, and it expired 10/07, so thats almost a year past the date. So this definitely means I should dispose of it....right?

      How long before Revolution goes bad? And can you mix it for larger dogs?

      How long before Revolution goes bad? And can you mix it for larger dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • There should be an expiration date stamped on the crimping at the end of the tube. Yes - You can use 2 smaller tubes to make up the size difference.The best thing to do would just take your dog to the Vet and get a current prescription.Edit - Yes, that means you should dispose of it. Medications of any kind shouldn't be used after the expiration date - They can take 1 of 2 turns when they expire - 1) They lose their effectiveness or 2) They become Toxic

    • Yes you could mix the two.In fact i even buy the flea meds for large dogs,and half it,cause i have 3 small dogs....i save a lot buy doing that.It depends on the stamp on the pack.i just got some and there stamp says is good till 2009.XXX