How often do I use this for my dog?

Ok, so I have Evict Liquid Wormer for my dog. Today was the first day that I've given her this medicen. She's 15.8 pounds, a great weight for her size, and she takes 3 teaspoons. Well, after I gave her the medicen, well, a really good question dawned on…

    How often do I use this for my dog?

    Ok, so I have Evict Liquid Wormer for my dog. Today was the first day that I've given her this medicen. She's 15.8 pounds, a great weight for her size, and she takes 3 teaspoons. Well, after I gave her the medicen, well, a really good question dawned on…...
    General Dog Discussions : How often do I use this for my dog?...

    • How often do I use this for my dog?

      How often do I use this for my dog? General Dog Discussions
      Ok, so I have Evict Liquid Wormer for my dog. Today was the first day that I've given her this medicen. She's 15.8 pounds, a great weight for her size, and she takes 3 teaspoons. Well, after I gave her the medicen, well, a really good question dawned on me. . . How often do I give this to her? I've read all of the box and I've read all of the bottle, NO WHERE does it say how often to administer this. Any ideas?

      How often do I use this for my dog?

      How often do I use this for my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • i wouldn;t deworm my dog unless I had to. I would leave this to the vet. The vet should check a stool sample to see what your pet has for parasites if any.If your dog is a puppy most likely it has worms, but some dewormers either don't work, or don't deworm for what is most common, and us humans like to make mistakes and either under/ overdose. I would have a stool checked at the vet and go with their recommendations

    • Worming chemicals are very harsh, consequently I have always avoided using wormers. Instead I keep a close watch on their stools, unfortunately seconds after a stool hits the ground worms stop wriggling. Consequently you can miss any evidence of worms.I take the precaution of taking a stool sample to the vets for testing and there has never been any evidence of worms. If there was, I would opt for using the nasty chemicals.Incidentally my dog have always mixed freely with other dogs and I also train them in various dog sports.