Who has been your favorite animal companion?

Tell me about your dog or cat or rat or bird. I've had many dogs and cats but my favorite is my cat friend Clancy. He was a 20 pound male who didn't stop growing until he was about 4 years old. He made me feel good when I was near him and he was my soul…

    Who has been your favorite animal companion?

    Tell me about your dog or cat or rat or bird. I've had many dogs and cats but my favorite is my cat friend Clancy. He was a 20 pound male who didn't stop growing until he was about 4 years old. He made me feel good when I was near him and he was my soul…...
    General Dog Discussions : Who has been your favorite animal companion?...

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    • Who has been your favorite animal companion?

      Who has been your favorite animal companion? General Dog Discussions
      Tell me about your dog or cat or rat or bird. I've had many dogs and cats but my favorite is my cat friend Clancy. He was a 20 pound male who didn't stop growing until he was about 4 years old. He made me feel good when I was near him and he was my soul mate.

      Who has been your favorite animal companion?

      Who has been your favorite animal companion? General Dog Discussions
    • I've had three favorites actually, the dog I grew up with her name was Spikey she was a poodle! she was amazing she always took care of me and my brothers, she was my moms shadow it was amazing how close we all were. I loved playing fetch with her!Then there was Brandy our Basset Hound, she was a great loving girl! I was very attached, I loved how when I got up in the morning I'd get on my knees and pet her, and she'd put her paws up onto my chest and push me to the floor and lick my face! And the dog we have now she's a Shitzu mix named Maggie, I'm very very close to her she is a crazy girl, she could play all fricken day she loves to lick and be a nut! She's such a cutie it makes my heart melt!

    • My favorite was my cat called Gilkey. I got him from the pound when he was three months old in October. He was all black with a kinked tail. Usually our pound does not adopt out black cats in October, but since they knew my deep love for them they made an exception for me. Well Gilkey was the best cat I ever had or known. I called him my kitty angel. He was the most loving cat to all. He loved to snuggle with u. He never fought with other cats. He was always so sweet. Everyone loved him. I had him for 13 years and I was at the vet's office holding him in my arms where he died naturally right in my arms. It was sad, but touching. He now has been gone over three years, but I will never forget him till the day I die. He was the most special cat I have ever known in my lifetime, and I had had many cats during that time. That is why Gilkey will always be my kitty angel.