Is Benadryl safe to give in an emergency? The earlier question about Benadryl Toxicity?

About a year ago, my dog had a reaction to an insect sting or bite (probably yellow-jacket or wasp). His head and ears swelled up and we panicked and ran him to the vet. It turned out not to be serious (fortunately) and the vet gave him a shot of…

    Is Benadryl safe to give in an emergency? The earlier question about Benadryl Toxicity?

    About a year ago, my dog had a reaction to an insect sting or bite (probably yellow-jacket or wasp). His head and ears swelled up and we panicked and ran him to the vet. It turned out not to be serious (fortunately) and the vet gave him a shot of…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is Benadryl safe to give in an emergency? The earlier question about Benadryl Toxicity?...

    • Is Benadryl safe to give in an emergency? The earlier question about Benadryl Toxicity?

      Is Benadryl safe to give in an emergency? The earlier question about Benadryl Toxicity? General Dog Discussions
      About a year ago, my dog had a reaction to an insect sting or bite (probably yellow-jacket or wasp). His head and ears swelled up and we panicked and ran him to the vet. It turned out not to be serious (fortunately) and the vet gave him a shot of antihistimine and a shot of a steroid. The swelling went down almost immediately and by the next day he was absolutely fine.The vet told us to keep some Benadryl on hand and give it to him if something like that happened again, so I do have it. He also said that if the swelling subsides and the dog seems okay, there's no need to bring him in. My question is ... is it safe to give a single dose of Benadryl in that situation, before (or instead of) consulting a vet?Yes, I have the correct dosage written down inside the medicine cabinet. And NO, I would never(!) use an antihistimine or any other human medication without prior OK from my vet. I'd call the vet anyway, just because I'd rather be safe than sorry. Just wanted to make sure the Benadryl was OK to use as a first-aid measure. Don't know if you can imagine how scary it was to see my Setter's head swell to Shar-Pei proportions, but I want to be prepared in case it happens again! Thanks!

      Is Benadryl safe to give in an emergency? The earlier question about Benadryl Toxicity?

      Is Benadryl safe to give in an emergency? The earlier question about Benadryl Toxicity? General Dog Discussions
    • Of course. That's what the vet told you to do, right? Dogs can safely take Benadryl the same as humans, but you don't want to give him too much. Keep it on hand...the liquid type seems to work best when a dog gets a sting or bite, you can just squeeze the dose inside of his cheek and he'll have to swallow it.

    • It would depend on the weight of your dog, but medium-big dogs can be okay with one capsule, did your vet tell you the amount to give him? If not, I'd just call and ask. But yes, it is safe to give instead of the vet if the swelling goes down and it was from an insect bite.

    • Your vet should have also given you a dosage. If not do NOT give the med without contacting your vet first. Never ever use any medication, even over the counter products without out first consulting a veterinarian. The results could be disastrious. That said some meds are ok to use, but ONLY under the guidance of a licensed vet.

    • It is recommended on most of the canine first aid sites. I will see if I can find the one that gives correct dosages. Here it is: Typical dosages: for cats and dogs under 30 pounds, give 10 mg...dogs 30 to 50 pounds, give 25 mg...dogs over 50 pounds, give 50 mg. Use only the plain Benadryl formula.Here is a good site to print and keep on hand:

    • Yes, benadryl is safe to give your dog if he has an allergic reaction to a bug bite, or something else. Since you know he had a reaction before, it is a very good idea to keep benadryl on hand. And you will want to give him 1 miligram per pound if he ever has a reaction again.***I don't normally recommend that people give their dog medication without first consulting their veterinarian. But this situation is different. Your veterinarian told you that it is okay, and to keep it on hand. And it could save your dog's life, if you are ever in an area where it would be very difficult to make it to a vet quickly. If you are still unsure, you should call your veterinarian, and just ask them. Explain to them that your dog has had an allergic reaction before to a bug bite, would they recommend keeping benadryl on hand incase it happens again. And ask them what dose to give him.

    • yes benadryl is safe for dogs it settles their stomach, calms there nerves, and stops allergic reactions... the dose is 1mg per pound. i can give my dog who is 85lbs 1 25mg pill and it works good! i have had lots of issues with my dog.... allergies, anxiety and vomiting and benadryl works the best over the counter treatment. thats what my vet has always recommended!!

    • If something was to happen to him, just like it did before, consider the vets words as a consult. I don't think it should hurt him. If you are not sure of any medical advice you can always get a second opinion. I know that its scary giving human medicine to dogs, if this is the case buy children's dose. If it doesn't work you can bump it up safely.

    • In this case, yes, for the reaction mentioned, it WOULD be smarter to give the medication. Your vet gave you a proper dosage I assume? I don't know that I would give it instead of consulting a vet, but I'd sure administer it before calling the vet and getting the vet's OK as to whether the dog needs to go in or not. See, the difference is your vet has seen your dog and knows it well enough to feel comfortable with his advice. Many folks just use the antihisimines to make their dogs less energetic, or to treat allergies (that just may NOT be allergies!) without vet advice. You HAVE vet advice.

    • A single dose of Benadryl should be fine but will take longer to work then the injection did though. (He can have another dose in 4 hours)If the symptoms resolve themselves, no need to take him for an expensive Vet visit.Should he start to have trouble breathing, it is an EMERGENCY and he needs to see a Vet ASAP.They will give him an injection of a different drug.Keep a close eye on him to make sure he's getting better not worse.Looks like you might be in for a late night.Good luck.

    • My boxer was always getting stung in the face during the summer and would break out in hives every once in a while. The Vet told me whenever she broke out in hives or got stung by a bee to give her benedryl. Also I worked at a cage free dog resort and there was Miniature Schnauzer that had a bad reaction to a bee sting and almost died. so whenever she would stay with us we were told to give her Benedryl immediately if she were to get stung.

    • hey there, well i have a 240lb husky/rott cross and he has allergy's really bad and our vet said the same thing, so now with his weight so high he requires 4, but for a dog as little as 10 to 30 lbs, I wouldn't give him more than half, a dog over 30 and up to 80lbs, i would give him or her a full one, and for over 80 pounds 1 and 1/2, but if it is a puppy under 1 year, i would say no more than 1 tablet a day, and for best results, peanut butter on a spoon or wrapped in a half piece of Swiss cheese, it hides the smell of medicine

    • If you gave the correct dosage for the weight of your dog.. if he were to get stung by a bee, or that type thing.. AND IF YOU REMEMBER to tell your vet you gave the Benedryl.. The Benedryl would be helpful.. You must tell your vet.. Cause when you show up there, he is going to give an antihistamine and you want to make sure he knows exactly what your dog has had.. Epinepherine can react with Benedryl.. So you want to be aware that you shouldn't mix the drug with others, and always tell your vet what you have given.Benedryl is not a fix all.. It has it's place but it should never be used to drug a dog for nail clipping, or keep a dog sleepy cause you are busy.. A serious allergic reaction.. and it's helpful.. Giving it everytime the dog itches etc. is a really bad idea.In the case of your insect sting, the Benedryl is fine at the proper dosage for your dog's weight.

    • if u wanna play it even safer then benadryl , then i would recommend chlorpheniramine maleate 4 mg .... antihistamine. can be purchased at walgreens for a bottle of a 50 tablets for under 4.00 there brand name is WAL-FINATE. ive had good luck with it and my vet told me not to give my dog benadryl cause it knocks them out. if u have a small dog only give him a half of tablet (20 pds) over 20 pounds to 30 pds give him a full tablet over that to 50 pds 1.5 tablet over 50 ..........2 will be just fine .

    • Benadryl is often given to dogs by vets. It is commonly used at the mg/lb dosage. This is your dog. You can safely treat him at home with OTC products known to be safe for canines. You don't need the approval of YA, especially if you already have the advice of your vet. Many people here are super-critical of anyone. Just do what you know is right to do.Diphenhydramine is a fairly safe drug. Toxicity is not common, so even in a larger dose, as long as it isn't a massive dose, you won't hurt your dog.

    • If you have the correct dosage and the vet has okayed the dog to get the medication and you are only using it occasionally, then I would say it is fine.The problem arises when people think of it as a harmless drug and give it to dogs for anything and everything. There ar times when it is an appropriate drug, such as what you are mentioning, but some people give it to their dog on a regular basis to keep them calm, or they just give too much.The moral of the story is not that you shouldn't give Benedryl, but more just that you need to have the vet educate you on proper dosage as well as proper situations to give it.

    • In the addition you made to your question you state "the vet told up to keep in on hand" I keep Benadryl on hand in my dog first aid kit and yes I have used it. I have a dog that reacts to bee stings and my vet also said to keep it around. I dont understand why you are asking if the vet already told you to do it? People here dont know anything medical about dogs. They are just pet owners and will tell you what they think. I have many items in my first aid kit. Gloves, bandages, antiseptics, antibiotic ointments, sizzors, tweezers and a suture kit. Yes there is also Benadryl in it.