How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?

My dog is a 1yr old collie crossed with a german shepard and he partly does things with treats i have tried things in dog books but they don't seem to work.

    How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?

    My dog is a 1yr old collie crossed with a german shepard and he partly does things with treats i have tried things in dog books but they don't seem to work....
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?...

    • How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?

      How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a 1yr old collie crossed with a german shepard and he partly does things with treats i have tried things in dog books but they don't seem to work.

      How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?

      How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk? General Dog Discussions
    • Try the stop start method, when he starts pulling, stop and stand still until the lead slackens, then move off again, repeat each time he pulls. He will soon get bored!If all methods of training fail, then perhaps a head collar/halti device may help, they are kind and humane and normally help pulling dogs if training fails to sort out the root problem

    • Each time he pulls stop and wait for him to step bk or come bk to you so that the lead is slack.So when the lead is slack again start walking.You might not get far but don't give up just be persistance.

    • You need to go to pets mart and get what is called a "halti" about 20 bucks. read the instructions. or get a trainer to help you put it on him or her. they dont like it at first but you are the boss not him. So if he fights it just be clam and tell him NO and be calm.. I love the halti so much it works for not pulling!! i can walk 2 big pitbulls by my self, I am a small girl person!! it is wonderful, you might just need help getting it on a first. my dogs love the halti they know they are going for a walk and walk really well with no pulling.

    • always make the dog walk behind you, have him at your heel. dont move until he goes to that position. talk to him with an authorative tone, only when he complys give him a treat. hope that helps.

    • Have you ever heard of the show called Dog Whisperer? Watch the Discovery Channel and you have to catch it at the right times. This guy has treated all sorts of dogs pitbull, collies, german shepards, chiuawa, and poddles. He is amazing. I promise you. Honest to god! Try that out and he has tips for walking dogs almost every episode! Try it! It wokred on my pitbull!

    • The dog is behaving as if he thinks you're a beta dog. Time to show who's boss. The two most important things: You go out of doors always first and as somebody already suggested the "stop and stand" every time he pulls, that is: as soon as he starts pulling you give him a gentle but firm push to make him stand/sit at your side. Never, ever should the dog be in front of you. Hope this help.

    • I own a Japanese Akita Dog. They are large breed dogs that are very dominant. Akita's like to walk in front as they want to rule the walk. This is not allowed with my Akita. Long story short I make my Akita walk behind me on lead. This is how I do it.When I start the walk I get him near a wall or fence etc. I then say back and pull on lead gently until the dog is behind me. The wall/fence blocks him from passing in front of me. I then walk forward when he tries to get along side of me I put the lead in front of his face and say back or Sssshhh. My Akita then walks behind me without pulling etc. This method works and my dog understands that I am the pack leader not him. This is essential with Akita dogs.

    • I have a Flat Coat Retriever (much like a black lab but with more hair). I have had him since he was a puppy. I have found the best way to teach him anything is to spend time with him. The more time you spend with your dog the more that dog will respect you. I am lucky to live in a neighborhood that has a park with a medium size wooded area and I will let my dog run free. I clip a leash on him in case I need to grab it if a cat or a stranger is around but other than that he will run free and if he gets too far away I will call for him and he will come back to me. I have found that with me walking him with the leash there is nothing to do that will keep him from pulling me around. I take him running sometimes and after 2-3 miles of running with him he starts to slow down a tiny bit. Good luck.

    • try a pincher they work great alot of ppl think they are mean but there not it doesnt hurt ur dog if a dog is hurt it will let u know by whinning or yelping and ive never heard of a dog doing that while being on a pincher it just lets them know that they need to slow down

    • I had a labrador X collie that used to do this. She was just excited and had loads of energy lol. I used to just stop dead in the street and pull my arm straight to my side. She would get confused and stop, then start walking slower, then she pulled me again after a few seconds lol. But after doing this during every walk every time she did it for a few weeks she stopped pulling me.

    • At petsmart they have a nose collar that goes over the nose of the dog and back down into the collar. It snaps the pups mouth shut whenever she pulls faster than you want to go. (Halti Training Head Collar) is what that one is called and it costs less than ten dollars. Another alternative is called the Premier Pet Gentle Leader Training Dog Collar and costs about $17.They also sell choke collars, (Chrome Plated Chain);collars with inside wires that poke the dog when she pulls too hard, (Top Paw® Chrome Pinch Training Collar); and you could try to find a company that sells shock collars. All of these will work, but the muzzle/nose collar (Halti Training Head Collar) is the most humane, as well as the cheapest. http://www.petsmart.comsearch type dogs, keyword collars

    • Obedience training, and use a Gentle Leader. I've tried several different control devices- chokers, pinch collars, two different kinds of control halters and both the Gentle Leader and the Halti head collars. For my money, the Gentle Leader is the best of the lot.Find an obedience class, and enroll yourself and your dog in that. You'll both benefit.