How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?

My dog is a 1yr old collie crossed with a german shepard and he partly does things with treats i have tried things in dog books but they don't seem to work.

    How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?

    My dog is a 1yr old collie crossed with a german shepard and he partly does things with treats i have tried things in dog books but they don't seem to work....
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my dog to stop pulling me when i take him for a walk?...

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    • Sorry this is going to be a long answer but you did ask! I never use a special collar, it's a lazy and often painful way to 'train' a dog. Did your mother punish you when teaching you to walk? If training methods aren't working it's probably because you are giving up too soon, or expecting too much too quickly. It takes time and patience to train a dog and a collie/shepherd cross is a very trainable dog.One method I've used that works well is to take the dog to a quiet area and let them have a good run to get rid of a bit of excess energy. Then I put them on a lead and start walking. If the dog is walking by my side I say Good boy/girl and give a treat. Every time the dog pulls ahead I turn and walk the other way. I don't say anything at all and don't even look at the dog. As soon as he walks where I want I praise again and give a treat. Then I turn back and resume the walk. Praising and giving a treat if he stays where I want him. Most dog's get the message pretty quickly that they need to pay attention to you. You can also use the stop/start method! If he pulls ahead you stop and wait. Again don't say anything or make eye contact with the dog. As soon as he stops and the lead is slack resume walking. Never take the dog out if you are in a hurry to get anywhere and never let them get away with pulling! As I'm a 4ft 9in female and I've owned German Shepherds or Shepherd crosses I can't afford to let them pull so it's the first thing I teach a new dog! (I rarely have puppies but it is easier to train them from the start not to pull)Good luck and try sticking to just one method long enough and I'm sure it will work!

    • try using a harness, i find this works much better tha a leadwith my labrador, also try holding a few treats in yourhand and everytime the dog pulls let him smell the treats inyour hand this usually works with my dog. its a bit like leadinga donkey with a carott!

    • the best thing to do is use a halti as it is the most humain way to stop him pulling i used a halti on my standared poodle as he was pulling my 12 year old daughter when she took him for walks but there has been a massive improvement with him now and we do not have to use it any more

    • You have a very lively cross breed in your dog. It is hard to stop the pulling, but constant correction and returning him to the heel position with praise each time he does what you want will eventually do the trick.

    • i have just had a 10 month old rescue border collie. me and my hubby have worked hard with 'heel' i have a 2 yr old daughter and i walk alot . today i walked 5 miles to my parents and took the dog and buggy. it has taken 3 weeks of twice daily walks but today the dog (laycy) had got it, i was a nervous wreck crossing the traffic and ring roads etc but she made me so proud. all we do is sharply tug her if she pulls and say heel, heel, heel firmly till she gets it. its paying off no end. she is going to obedience training though soon.

    • Dogs learn by experience of cause and effect. Their powers of reasoning are very basic. The consequence of this is that if you use a piece of equipment such as a halti, the equipment will stop them from pulling when they are wearing it because it is uncomfortable. Take it off and they will start to pull again because the discomfort has gone.Once you understand this principle it is plain to see that unless you want to be burdened by extra equipment for the duration of your dog's life you need to resort to training.The best way to make a dog understand that pulling is not acceptable is to show him that when he pulls he is turned around and walked in the other direction. When he pulls just say a firm 'No' and turn around. No pulling, no jerking, no pushing no scolding, just say 'no' and turn around. He will probably drag behind a bit. Walk on for 15 seconds or so then stop, turn around, move the dog into position by your side and start to walk again slowly. If he remains by your side treat him and say 'heel' or whichever word you wish to use. Gradually speed up to your usual pace, still saying 'heel' every now and then. If the pulling resumes then repeat the above.It may take a week or so, but if you are firm and thorough it will work.Good luck and enjoy your dog