what is the weight for a boarder collie/heeler?

I have a boarder collie/ heeler and to me she looks unheathy i can see her showed of her ribbs and i want to know how much she should weight i hope it wroms but i don't know she great and full of spunk she my baby.

    what is the weight for a boarder collie/heeler?

    I have a boarder collie/ heeler and to me she looks unheathy i can see her showed of her ribbs and i want to know how much she should weight i hope it wroms but i don't know she great and full of spunk she my baby....
    General Dog Discussions : what is the weight for a boarder collie/heeler?...

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    • what is the weight for a boarder collie/heeler?

      what is the weight for a boarder collie/heeler? General Dog Discussions
      I have a boarder collie/ heeler and to me she looks unheathy i can see her showed of her ribbs and i want to know how much she should weight i hope it wroms but i don't know she great and full of spunk she my baby.

      what is the weight for a boarder collie/heeler?

      what is the weight for a boarder collie/heeler? General Dog Discussions
    • Have you asked the vet yet? If you think she is unhealthy you should have spoken to the vet.Please be a responsible dog owner and get her medical care.Heelers are 30-35 pounds and BORDER (not boardor) collies weigh 27-42 pounds. Again take her to the vet to make sure it isn't something serious.