How to improve on heel work to music with my dog?

HeyMy dog knows some pretty good tricks and I've put together a routine, but when it comes to actually doing the routine she takes ages to do each trick and just lies down in the middle of it making me frustrated... Any tips?

    How to improve on heel work to music with my dog?

    HeyMy dog knows some pretty good tricks and I've put together a routine, but when it comes to actually doing the routine she takes ages to do each trick and just lies down in the middle of it making me frustrated... Any tips?...
    General Dog Discussions : How to improve on heel work to music with my dog?...

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    • How to improve on heel work to music with my dog?

      How to improve on heel work to music with my dog? General Dog Discussions
      HeyMy dog knows some pretty good tricks and I've put together a routine, but when it comes to actually doing the routine she takes ages to do each trick and just lies down in the middle of it making me frustrated... Any tips?

      How to improve on heel work to music with my dog?

      How to improve on heel work to music with my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to work on the dog performing each trick quickly before you put this into your routine. Instead of doing the whole routine over and over, do it in parts. Vary your training. Some days do the whole routine other days do just one trick and be done. This way it will not be the dog's idea to know when to quit. Do not allow the dog to pick when to quit your training. If your dog lies down or acts surly give it a correction for lack of effort. Make the dog finish that trick then praise and release. The dog needs to learn that he does not choose when to quit the game. I would most likely do the same for a slow performance of a command especially if the dog understands the command. Do not over train. Some dogs will shut down big time with training stress. So you might want to train your routine only three to four times weekly. On the off days train something else like obedience or agility or just take your dog out for a good run. If this dog's behavior is just getting worse, take a training vacation. Don't do any training for a couple of weeks. Sometimes both dog and trainer need a vacation form training. Finally have the dog vet checked. Freestyle requires a very healthy dog. If your dog is getting older or has other physical problems, shutting down could be a pain response.