Can horses be like pets? Can we pamper them and love them like how we love our dogs?

I do have a chance of getting a horse once I marry. That might be a gift to me from my dad and mom. The wedding sending away gift and always wanted a horse. But can I keep her as a pet? Maybe train her to ride, get her a nice stall and just pamper her…

    Can horses be like pets? Can we pamper them and love them like how we love our dogs?

    I do have a chance of getting a horse once I marry. That might be a gift to me from my dad and mom. The wedding sending away gift and always wanted a horse. But can I keep her as a pet? Maybe train her to ride, get her a nice stall and just pamper her…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can horses be like pets? Can we pamper them and love them like how we love our dogs?...

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    • yes they can be pets . i have 7 horses and they are all spoiled rotten . i have this one that has had a injury since she was a week old and she was given to me . she was a year old when i got her and she was wild but to look and be around her now you would'nt think she was . she is so sweet . she love to go on walks . she can'nt be ridden due to her injury but she is the sweetest and kindest horse you could ever meet . if you get a horse checkher back ground . i pefer a young wealing because they will look to you for security . a young horse can be a challange but i have always said time and patience is the best policy .don't rush them . make friends first. i have another horse that stole my heart when i got her . she is a red and white paint mare that came from a sale . she was so skinny that i thought we was gonna lose her but she did'nt like people at all . thats where time and patience came in. i work with her to gain her trust and to show her that people are'nt bad . she is a blessing .now my 7 year old son rides her . if you go out to the pasture where she is and sit on the ground she will come and lay beside you. i have pics of her laying on the ground and me between her hooves taking a nap. so to answer your question . yes they can be spoiled and petted just like a dog.

    • Let me start off by saying I have a horse. She's 4 years old and I've had her since she was 2 1/2 months old.Having said that, let me say this: Horses are not all cuddly like doggies, they are 1000 lb animals and they can hurt you. Having a horse as just a pet is kind of risky because they need a job to do otherwise they get bored. Yes, you should get your horse trained first, that is a must. You can train her yourself but it takes alot of time and if you don't know what you are doing, it can lead to trouble and confusion for the horse.The best thing for you to do is learn, learn, learn about horses and then get one.

    • if you get a horse, you should know they are very time consuming, very costly, and they have a very different way of thinking compared to dogs and cats. you sound like you have always wanted a horse, but don't have much experince with them. just like dogs, there are horse rescue groups who find horses that are unwanted by their owners because they are permanently injured or abused. these horses are hard to find homes for. if you don't think you will have time to ride, mabye you could adopt one of theses horses and let them live out their life being pampared by you!

    • If you really want a pet, and never plan to ride, I would get a mini horse. Most are no bigger than a large dog. And it will cost a lot less to feed and house. Some people even keep them in the back yard. They are always some available for adoption thru most horse rescues and I would start there first. Good Luck

    • Yes, yes, yes. My horses are pets that I ride. However, get him trained, or buy him that way. Also, remember that a thousand lb. animal can hurt you unintentionally. Be care full.Also, it's lot of work keeping a horse and you should have at least two horses. They are a lot happier with buddies. if you can't have two then you should get a goat. Have fun.

    • Yes many have horses. It is a little different. Not like you can have them running through your house or jump in bed with you. But taking care of a horse requires a stable and lots of time and money besides a pasture for it to exercise in.

    • Sure you can, but board at a stable where there is guidance and help. For your benefit and the horses. They are more work than dogs, and are expensive but it is well worth it.

    • Horses are VERY loving animals, I consider mine pets, just like my dogs and cats. Plus, you can ride them too! The bond between a horse and their owner can be priceless! But, you have to keep in mind that horses are 1000 ound animals that could kill you if you are not experienced. You cant always cuddle horses and hug them ALL the time, some horses wont allow it, and get sick of it, and then people wonder why their horse starts biting them.If you are not going to ride the horse, maybe you want an older horse who is retired and just needs someone to love them. You could also consider a mini horse, they can be very inexpensive if you get them from a rescue. Plus, they are sooo cute!Mini horse rescues: P.S. Mean Gene, horses are as smart as dogs, if not smarter(not to offend any1, i luv dogs 2) and they can give back as much as dogs can!!!Good Luck!

    • YES GIRL YOU CAN!!!! when i was 10 i put makeup on mine lol....she was a good hores...but yes you can but if you get a gelding DO NOT feed it alfalfa hay...if i missed spelled the name of the hay ask some body if you dont know what it is

    • Horses are great pets because you can ride them and train them, but they also require TONS of work! If you have never owned a horse before, it is very confusing and difficult. Horses should have plenty of excercise, fed a minimum of 2 times a day, need regular vet checkups, groomed every day, a well-fenced place to graze, and much more. Also, they get VERY lonely if you only have one, so you could think about getting a miniature horse, goat, or donkey if you can only have one. If you do decide to buy a pony, I would suggest a well-trained older mare or gelding because they are very laid-back and are much more expirienced than young horses. It is perfectly okay to pamper horses ( I pamper my horse!!!), but they don't really return the favor like dogs do. But horses are amazing animals and I hope you get one!!

    • A horse is a domesticated animal-as long as its not lived wild it should be cared for as a pet they love to be taken to clover and enjoy carrots sugar cubes and other asundries/things. Yes, they can be taught love and care-the best one to train a pony/horse is its master and best if got as a colt.I suggest you get a dove or siamese fighting fish and name it horse they require some effort apart from the dogs you care for and it will be a good test to see if you truely desire to make you dream come true. If I was the one marrying you I would teach you to care for a large pony like a shetland-its alot of love and work, have a great day, David in Jesus amazing grace

    • horses are more tricky than say dogs and cats because of one crucial thing: their size! although many can be pampered and foofed up, you have to know what you are doing because they can, even if they don't mean to, harm you. if you have had no experience with horses, maybe you should take lessons and spend some time around them. caring for a horse is a lot of work and takes $$ my husband calls it and expensive habit. it is such a rewarding experience for me. i have dogs and cats and i love them dearly. but the my 2 horses bring such a different kind of joy. my daughter and i have a common horse bond and it is fantastic! i was born and raised around horses and still i learn something new everyday about them. be safe. get some time around them, then you will know if it is something that you really want to invest in. good luck!

    • It's great that you want a pony and everything but if you don't know that we can train them and love them just like we do our dogs/cats then you should do more reading and get some more experience under your belt before you get into the full responsilibites of caring for one. There is a lot more to owning horses than you know.

    • It is possible to train the horse by yourself, and if you are up for a challenge I would say go for it. Your only set back is that it would be your first horse. (well atleast that is what I understand from your question) Personally if I were you I would hire someone, or get a horse that is already trained, but if you really want to train it yourself, I would say to read a lot of books, watch videos, and maybe join a few message boards and talk to others who have trained their horses themselves. It is always helpful to be able to talk to people who have already experienced it. As for pampering, I think that horses may just be the most pampered pets. They have everything for horses. Chiropractors, teeth floaters (kind of like our dentists), farriers (yes they get pedicures too!). Yepp I would say that your horse might get pampered more than your dogs! haha I deffinatly would not pass up the horse, whether you train it to ride, get someone else to train it, or just keep her as a companion. Horses make people happy. Good luck!