How do I stop my dog being aggressive after he has eaten his food??

Dog is very aggressive whilst ,and for about 15 minutes after he has eaten his food. Rest of time he's very friendly and loveable. He's two years old.

    How do I stop my dog being aggressive after he has eaten his food??

    Dog is very aggressive whilst ,and for about 15 minutes after he has eaten his food. Rest of time he's very friendly and loveable. He's two years old....
    General Dog Discussions : How do I stop my dog being aggressive after he has eaten his food??...

    • How do I stop my dog being aggressive after he has eaten his food??

      How do I stop my dog being aggressive after he has eaten his food?? General Dog Discussions
      Dog is very aggressive whilst ,and for about 15 minutes after he has eaten his food. Rest of time he's very friendly and loveable. He's two years old.

      How do I stop my dog being aggressive after he has eaten his food??

      How do I stop my dog being aggressive after he has eaten his food?? General Dog Discussions
    • Aggression is the most serious behavior problem and is surprisingly common in pet dogs. It is a myth that only "vicious" dogs bite or that once a dog bites, the only alternative is to put her to sleep. Advances in understanding and treating aggression offer more options than ever before. Virtually all species of animal have a variety of aggressive behaviors in their repertoires, to defend themselves from perceived threat as well as to compete for resources such as food, mates and sleeping locations. Also, as predators, dogs will chase and bite in the context of hunting for food. Selective breeding, or domestication, has toned down or stylized much of the aggressive behavior in domestic dogs. Behaviors like watchdog barking, herding, pointing, compulsive fighting and retrieving are all modified forms of aggression and predation. Animals such as dogs, that are physically equipped to inflict great damage, have evolved ways to ritualize most of their aggressive encounters. This way, contests can be decided without the use of fatal or maiming force to either participant. Dogs have a variety of non-contact threat behaviors - body postures, growls, snarls, snaps and lunges - as well as the ability to inhibit the force of their bites, to serve as ritualization. In a human domestic environment, we would like as little aggression as possible, even of the most ritualized sort, directed at us. To achieve this standard, it is important to both understand the roots of aggression and to intervene with pro-active prevention programs for all dogs. When a dog is uncomfortable around strangers, or dislikes certain strangers, such as men, kids or uniformed people, it is usually because she has not been fully socialized. A socialized dog is relaxed about the elements in her environment. To become socialized, a dog must have sufficient exposure and positive experiences, especially when young.

    • sometimes too much red meat can make a dog a little wild, I would try to give your dog half the amount, then 30 mins later give him the rest. And you should also take the food away when he is half way finished, this is showing your dominance and you are the boss.

    • It is probably more of a dominance issue than aggression. I have heard of many things that might work, and some may just be old wives tales. Some people say you should eat first, then feed your dog. This works on the pack idea, and in a pack, the dominant dog eats first, and you never touch the dominant dogs' food. Also, make sure there are other things you do to show you are the pack leader. When you play tug-o-war, do you always win? Your dog should be given the toy by you, never allowed to take it from you. See the difference?

    • What we have done is while the dog is eating pet him, put your hand in the food bowl, push him away from the food. If the dog growls when you are just petting him, take the food away for a few minutes, then try it again. If he growls again take it away..... you get the message. If he does not growl when you are petting him then put your hand in the food bowl and again if he growls take the food away.... I think you can see where this is going. We have two Pitt bull mix puppies ( 4 months old) and this has worked great for us. The puppies are used to us playing with them when they are trying to eat. I Hope this helps, Good luck

    • Try to take out the protein in his meal. Canned dog food and dry dog food each have protein in them, so try to find the ones with the least protein in them - read the labels carefully. Also try using only cereal at one of his meals. Our dog reacts badly to too much protein so we add a slice of toast to his to bulk out the meal for him.

    • when we had our rescue pup she was food aggressive but not to the point she would rip your arm off but would growl and snap, told the trainer about this and was told to feed her so she would understand that she would never go hungry again, so after upping her food to 3 times a day and big portions, with lots of training treats in between and people giving her treats just to say hello to her, within weeks she realised that food was plentiful and she would not be starved again as she had been when she was dumped as a pup months before. (yes i did have to increase the exercise). she now even lies down to eat her food, that´s how relaxed she has become.Good luck

    • Are you sure that its aggression?. I have an extremely friendly dog. After she has her morning meal, she just lies around however after her evening meal she goes hyper. She wants to play, she looks around for something tuggable and invites me to play tug. She also grabs my arm in an attempt to persuade me to play. Its important for a dog to rest for a couple of hours after they have eaten, consequently I don't respond.Is it possible that you are giving your dog a food which contains a high % of protein and that he is just being hyper?. Or has he a digestion problem a pain in the tummy?. Perhaps you should consider a grain free dog food, it's easier to digest.