Which dog to get if i work during the daytime?

I was wondering if anyone could help me, i'm thinking of getting a dog but i work normal day time hours during the week. Can anyone recommend a dog that would be suited to being left alone for this amount of time. I would walk dog before and after…

    Which dog to get if i work during the daytime?

    I was wondering if anyone could help me, i'm thinking of getting a dog but i work normal day time hours during the week. Can anyone recommend a dog that would be suited to being left alone for this amount of time. I would walk dog before and after…...
    General Dog Discussions : Which dog to get if i work during the daytime?...

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    • Which dog to get if i work during the daytime?

      Which dog to get if i work during the daytime? General Dog Discussions
      I was wondering if anyone could help me, i'm thinking of getting a dog but i work normal day time hours during the week. Can anyone recommend a dog that would be suited to being left alone for this amount of time. I would walk dog before and after work, leave him/her with lots of stimulating toys and employ a dog walker to walk it most days of the week. i also dont work in the school holidays. Im looking for a fairly small lish breed as i dont have a very large house. Can anyone recommend what breed may be best for me?I am a teacher so i work between 7-10 hours a day.Thanks to everyone who is giving me helpful answers. To those who are telling me i am a cruel person this really isnt that helpful, the reason I am asking this question before I get a dog is to get some useful advice. Not to be made out to feel like a cruel, terrible and selfish person

      Which dog to get if i work during the daytime?

      Which dog to get if i work during the daytime? General Dog Discussions
    • I have a border terrier and he's fine being left alone during the day as long as he has lots of toys, they're fairly small dogs but not one of the toy breeds and they're very loving playful and good with kids.

    • Don't. My husband had the fanciful notion that we should get a dog so we applied to the pound. Their answer was "it's cruel to keep a dog in the house all day." Fair enough, I concur. But then the evil madam who was on the reception desk said "He'll be put down long before someone like YOU gets an animal from this pound!" Leaving me in a state of complete shock, I have two cats and pet rats also who are very happy and healthy. Don't put yourself through the heartache of being insulted by these people.

    • Don't worry about breed. Check petfinders for rescues in your area. I know in our group we all work have kids animals of our own so the dogs are used to being crated. Most rescues foster in their homes and will be able to help you find one to fit your schedule.

    • You could opt for a medium sized breed. Consider adopting a dog that is a year or two old, that has already been trained. Crating the dog during the day is always an option, and not as cruel as people think. Walking before and after work, is an excellent idea. You need to have some time to train the dog, though, before leaving it for the entire day. So consider acquiring the canine during a holiday break, or a long weekend. It's possible, seek advice from a vet or a vet tech, too.

    • My wife and i have a King Charles Spaniel. They are easily house trainable, loving companion, and dedicated and loyal partner. I strongly suggest that you get one of these if you can find one. They will settle on teddy bears as their companion when you are not around and they are also protective to their owner. The are smallish dogs and would suite you beautifully.

    • I really don't think ANY dog is suited to being in general left for 8 or more hours a day! This is cruel - even with a dog walker coming in. What if you couldnt find a suitable dog walker? And also I heard of one who lost the dog she was supposed to be looking after!Maybe at some time in your future, you will be at home more and you will be able to get a dog then.Dogs are not independant like cats. A cat would be a better choice.

    • By all means, ADOPT an older dog! many rescues get to know the dog prior to adopting them out, and therefore know if they are best in single family home, crate trained, independent or attention getters, etc. If you go to petfinders.org and search your area, you will find many potentials. Breed really doesn't matter, exact that you want a smallish dog. If you read about the dogs posted, you will see their temperament and history posted, helping you to decide from there. But please, do not get a dog under 2 years old or a puppy! Too much training involved and too many vet visits for vaccines and spaying or neutering. Adopting a dog not only saves their life, but they are generally UTD on shots, altered, temperament is known, medical conditions may be known, etc. Good luck!

    • I would not advise a puppy as these cannot be left alone for long periods, it would also be unfair to leave it, regardless of whether it has toys. Visit a dog rehoming centre and see if there is one that catches your eye, there is often a good variety in these sorts of places, you will probably want to give them all a home! I have always been a dog owner and i keep Labradors, they are wonderful but are not small and require lots of walks. Smallish breeds to consider would be; Spaniels (most varieties would be suitable, springer spaniels are very lively and require long walks) Terriers, which are not often popular because some can be snappy and irritating-although the patterdale or lakeland terrier are a good option. I could go on, however the best bet is to buy a decent dog book, and you will be able to research which would be the best for you with regards to your lifestyle and home etc. I would recommend anyone to get a dog as they are the best companions ever, however they are a big committment and i can never understand people who buy them on a whim, and then either dump them at a dog centre or flog them in the local paper, they are for life! good luck :)

    • ive got a shih tzu and i leave her during working hours, although when i first got her i wasnt working so the training and bonding had already taken place so by the time i came to working she was fine, shih tzus are a fantastic breed, and dont need as much exercise as bigger dogs, i also had no problems with her chewing things up, as long as they have enough chew toys and things to keep them entertained they get on with it, and seem quite happy to sleep all day and the love you receive on coming home just makes all the poo cleaning worth while... and unlike other smaller breeds they are not yappy little things. oh and i would advise to get a female they are alot more calmer than the males, thats why in most breeds the males get snipped... a female shih tzu is the way to go, but i am bias, because mine is the best bitch in the world....

    • If youre all out all day, you should not get a dog - how would you like to be locked up and left alone for 9 hours each day? If you insist on getting a dog - get one of those robotic ones.

    • I think that you would do well with just about any breed that you'd like. Seriously consider your local rescue groups though. There are a couple of "breed selector" websites out there that might help you make your decision, or at least narrow down some of the possibilities.

    • any breed you get is hard for a dog to be left a lone for long periods of times especially puppies which require alot of attention. i suggest going to your local shelter and adopting a small adult breed dog, they are usually already potty trained and can handle being alone. just make sure you do it like on a Friday after work so you have the whole weekend to get to know each other. plus you never said how many hours a day you would be gone 8,10,12??? that makes a different also. also when you hired someone else to walk your dog. the dog tends to bond with that person and not with you because its usually with them more. just think about that. maybe a cat would fit your schedule better?? any way good luck in what you decide.

    • I work 3 hours each day so my dogs are never alone for more than 4 hours tops, I NEVER go shopping on the way home either!I would Never Ever leave my dogs all day while I worked 9-5 or whatever, it's far too long, if you work out the time it takes you to get to work, maybe 1/2-1hr X2 so that's another 2 hours making it 10 hours the dog is alone then maybe you might want to go out for the evening lets say another 3 hours making it 13 hours that your dog hasn't seen you then you go to bed and that's perhaps another 6 hours, so a total of 19 out of one day that your poor dog hasn't seen you, whats OK about that???!!! EDIT, my dogs go for a long walk (about 1 hour) before I go to work, 1/2 hr when I get home and a really long walk before it gets dark all off lead! I wouldn't trust anyone else to walk my dogs it's too much of a responsibility, that responsibilty is mine!

    • Don't get put off by people telling you not to get a dog. A good dog that ironically doesn't need alot of exercise is a Greyhound. There are alot of greyhound rescues out there - you can serve alot of purposes by adopting one of these lovely dogs.

    • Congratulations! I work all day and have two dogs. One is a Toy Fox Terrier and the other is a rescued mutt. They are great company and keep me moving. I would suggest that you do some serious homework. Decide whether you want a purebred dog or a rescue dog. Would a puppy or older dog be better for you? Puppies require lots of care and attention and training to become "polite". Watch some dog shows and see the different groups of dogs. There are several on line sites that allow you to take quizzes to find out which dog breed suits your personality and needs. Go to the library and read up. I found that Dachsunds sleep a good bit during the day and are ready to play when you get home, but they can be hard to house break. Some terriers can be barkers and some can be hyper. Papilions are small and very intelligent. Talk to some competent breeders. They love to talk about their breed. Sometimes they have dogs they want to retire. Talk to the people at you local humane society and tell them your situation. Good luck and I hope you find your best friend!

    • I have had my Tzu for 4 years. She is 9 lbs of sweetness. We walk every morning and play in the evening. She uses peepee pads (most of the time). Most homes that have dogs DO NOT have someone there all day. I see dogs in back yards (in all weather) where people work and kids are at school. At least my little girl is in a warm home in winter and a cool one in summer. Tzus cant take heat very well and they don't need a lot of exercising. Watch their diet - they gain easily. She is living in the lap of luxury. You will do just fine as will your dog. Also, have it spayed or neutered. Just the right thing to do for any dog. Tzus are the sweetest tempered dogs. We will be getting another one. One thing I have learned about a Tzu is they are more tuned in to you when they have to potty. She will just sit at my feet and look at me if she has to go out. Sometimes she slaps at my feet. She has never gone to the door to let me know. I've heard other Tzu owners say the same thing. I take mine to the groomer every couple of months to keep her hair short. That way I just have to brush her tail and ears every day or so. But they love the attention. They will stay in your lap for hours if you keep rubbing their tummy. They sleep alot in the day. I haven't the time for puppy training so we got ours when she was almost 2. Best thing I ever did. Puppies take a lot of work but you can start them with crate training. I just didn't want to leave my dog in a crate all day. She has the run of the house. Get a dog. You will love it. m