Has anyone had better luck using K9 Advantix over Frontline?

I am using Frontline on my puppy and it was working but now it doesn't seem to help and its only been a little over a week since I applied it. Every time she comes in from outside she has fleas on her and now they are starting to get kinda bad.

    Has anyone had better luck using K9 Advantix over Frontline?

    I am using Frontline on my puppy and it was working but now it doesn't seem to help and its only been a little over a week since I applied it. Every time she comes in from outside she has fleas on her and now they are starting to get kinda bad....
    General Dog Discussions : Has anyone had better luck using K9 Advantix over Frontline?...

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    • Has anyone had better luck using K9 Advantix over Frontline?

      Has anyone had better luck using K9 Advantix over Frontline? General Dog Discussions
      I am using Frontline on my puppy and it was working but now it doesn't seem to help and its only been a little over a week since I applied it. Every time she comes in from outside she has fleas on her and now they are starting to get kinda bad.

      Has anyone had better luck using K9 Advantix over Frontline?

      Has anyone had better luck using K9 Advantix over Frontline? General Dog Discussions
    • Some of the flea products are not repellents. Check the lable and make sure they state they will repel. Most flea products work in that they kill fleas that get on your dog when they bite the dog. They will however NOT keep them from getting on your dog in the first place.There are now products out that not only kill fleas and ticks but also keep them from getting on your dog.Another thing you can try is using a flea spray. I have used Adams flea and tick spray and was very happy with it. Before I would walk my dog, I would spray him down with the spray and I never had any problems. You can use it in combination with the Frontline and Advantix. They also now have a Frontline Plus. I believe that one has a repellent in it. Check with your vet.If for some reason your pup has a flea infestation, have the vet give him a 'Capstar'. It's a one time pill which will be given orally and it kills all fleas and ticks that are on your dog within one hour. That, too is not a repellent.Another option you have is to 'dip' your pup. Adams also has a flea and tick 'dip'. You can buy the spray and the dip at Walmart. The spray runs about $12 and the dip $8. You don't need to use the spray every day - they have a 14 day formula.The dip is used to saturate your dog with the dip (diluted with water as directed on the label). Once you have your dog soaking wet with the dip (don't get it in his eyes), do NOT dry your pup. Let him air dry either in a crate, in the garage or in a room such as a bathroom without carpet in it. Allowing your dog to dry that way will keep the treatment in your dogs fur and keep fleas and ticks off him for a while.It sounds like you may already have fleas in the house. If that's the case, they will keep getting on your dog until you treat your house, too. Ideally you treat your dog and the house at about the same time.For the house you can buy so called flea 'bombs'. They are aerosol cans of flea spray and they kill adult fleas as well as the eggs that are in your carpet. Depending on the size of your house, you will need several cans. They are fairly cheap, too. About $5/can and you can buy them at Walmart or the pet store (cheaper at Walmart).Treat your lawn with a product called 'Seven' - about $11 at Walmart. That should take care of the fleas/ticks in your yard.Good luck

    • K9Advantix kills fleas and ticks and repels mosquitoes which carry Nile Virus. It's water resistant and stays on in baths and in the rain. Frontline says the same as K9Advantix in the catalogues, however I prefer using Biospot and have for many years because it not only kills but repels fleas , ticks, and mosquitoes.Frontlines only advantage over any of the other products is the fact it is helpful in controlling sarcoptic mange. If your dog doesn't have this, I don't see that it's any better than K9Advantix (a product most vets use on their own dogs from what I'm hearing).Biospot is much cheaper, but it does wash off and cannot be safely used on a dog under the age of 6 months, nor on senior, pregnant, or nursing canines. Here's a cost comparison from Dr. Foster and Smith catalogue;23-44 pound dog for a 3 pack of Frontine.......$34.9931-60 pound dog for a 3 pack of Biospot........$12.79 ***21-55 pound dog for a 3 pack of K9Advantix... $53.99So you can see the difference in cost of the three spot-on products. Sizes were used simply to show differences in price. Different sizes than these are different prices.