How to introduce my aggressive alpha to a new puppy?

I rescued a one and a half year old schnauzer/husky/spaniel and she's wonderful with humans, about 32 pounds. I also just adopted a nine months old westie, about thirteen pounds. The rescues name is Molly and the westie is named Moose. I've introduce…

    How to introduce my aggressive alpha to a new puppy?

    I rescued a one and a half year old schnauzer/husky/spaniel and she's wonderful with humans, about 32 pounds. I also just adopted a nine months old westie, about thirteen pounds. The rescues name is Molly and the westie is named Moose. I've introduce…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to introduce my aggressive alpha to a new puppy?...

    • How to introduce my aggressive alpha to a new puppy?

      How to introduce my aggressive alpha to a new puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I rescued a one and a half year old schnauzer/husky/spaniel and she's wonderful with humans, about 32 pounds. I also just adopted a nine months old westie, about thirteen pounds. The rescues name is Molly and the westie is named Moose. I've introduce them in the park, letting them sniff each others butts, took ten on a walk, all great...until we get home. Molly was very upset, tried to attack him so we've kept ten deprecate with intervals to try and meet, a little progress has been made, Molly will meet eyes with him and they both start at each other. I got calming treats from the pet store, which work for him but not her. We put them in their crates right beside each other and let them bark it out, and now they're laying together but I want to make sure they'll be alright outside the cages. Any advice????No need to get an attitude, ad I've had known aggressive breed dogs and they have not been like this, the belief it is genetics is ludicrous, ask any vet, it's a proven fact.

      How to introduce my aggressive alpha to a new puppy?

      How to introduce my aggressive alpha to a new puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • So you have a dog that's a mix of 3 dog breeds who are KNOWN to be animal aggressive, she's regularly SHOWN signs of aggression, and you think that "calming treats" are the way to cure it? Sorry, but the new dog goes to Westie rescue so she can find a home elsewhere. You don't try to force a fit with a dog that's aggressive. This isn't an "Alpha" issue. This is a GENETICS issue. That you think that it's Alpha and that treats would work means that you can't keep this new dog. Give her the chance at life somewhere else. GL.Edit: Honey, it's not attitude, it's being informed. Are you one of those anti-science nuts? Or just someone that failed Bio 1?What's a proven fact? That genetics aren't real? That dogs aren't predisposed to have certain behavioural traits? Sure, go ahead and ask your vet about these things. If he says that everythind a dog does is trained (or a lack of training), you need a new vet. Someone with an IQ above 70. Genetics don't influence behaviour? Really? So you also think that a Dalmatian's spots are painted on, not created because of genetics? And that Border Collies herd out of training, not instinct, which comes from genetics?Again, I'm not sure how much good it does to argue with morons, but hopefully someone else will read this and learn from it rather than deny genetics.