what is too much metacam for my 95 pound lab dog?

Is has been on metacam for 9 years. She is 12. lab and she is moving slow and eats a little. Poo is little. Almost she is consapated . I been given her 80 MG and she is 80 pounds. I tryed it twice a day. Is this too much.? A question for my vet mabe?What…

    what is too much metacam for my 95 pound lab dog?

    Is has been on metacam for 9 years. She is 12. lab and she is moving slow and eats a little. Poo is little. Almost she is consapated . I been given her 80 MG and she is 80 pounds. I tryed it twice a day. Is this too much.? A question for my vet mabe?What…...
    General Dog Discussions : what is too much metacam for my 95 pound lab dog?...

    • what is too much metacam for my 95 pound lab dog?

      what is too much metacam for my 95 pound lab dog? General Dog Discussions
      Is has been on metacam for 9 years. She is 12. lab and she is moving slow and eats a little. Poo is little. Almost she is consapated . I been given her 80 MG and she is 80 pounds. I tryed it twice a day. Is this too much.? A question for my vet mabe?What do we think out there?Thanks

      what is too much metacam for my 95 pound lab dog?

      what is too much metacam for my 95 pound lab dog? General Dog Discussions
    • nine years, wow!??? You can only give whats on the bottle by weight. It is not safe to give her more than the by weight dose on the bottle. If she is constipated give her some canned pumpkin in her food. She may be immune to the effects of the metacam. Has your vet suggested tramadol or rimadyl?