I have a American Staffordshire Terrier and I just got a pupp.?

I adopted my Staffordshire from a Humane Society Center and he is very sweet, Loves being around people and also House trained. But they have me details that he has a background of Dog Fights. We haven't put him near any dogs other than another pit we…

    I have a American Staffordshire Terrier and I just got a pupp.?

    I adopted my Staffordshire from a Humane Society Center and he is very sweet, Loves being around people and also House trained. But they have me details that he has a background of Dog Fights. We haven't put him near any dogs other than another pit we…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a American Staffordshire Terrier and I just got a pupp.?...

    • I have a American Staffordshire Terrier and I just got a pupp.?

      I have a American Staffordshire Terrier and I just got a pupp.? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted my Staffordshire from a Humane Society Center and he is very sweet, Loves being around people and also House trained. But they have me details that he has a background of Dog Fights. We haven't put him near any dogs other than another pit we had that was 7months. He seemed to kinda be annoyed but nothing serious. He is really tall ( when he sits his head is higher than my knee maybe about a foot. I am 5'3. And he weighs 85 pounds ) .I just recently got a Pomeranian/Chihuahua puppy. She's about maybe 2months. I tried to put her near him . All he did was sniff her everywhere. Somewhat excited, but she yelped and started crying. Lol. She weighs maybe 6 pounds. She super tiny.I'm just wondering when should I put themTogether? He isn't stayin with me at the moment he is with my boyfriend and we are planning to move in.I really need advice from a professional or having experience. Thank you I appreciate it.

      I have a American Staffordshire Terrier and I just got a pupp.?

      I have a American Staffordshire Terrier and I just got a pupp.? General Dog Discussions
    • You will want to be very careful and introduce them slowly. It is a good sign that he did not act aggressively when he first saw her, curious and excited is ok. To introduce them it is probably best to have two people, and to keep the Staffy on a leash and let the puppy walk around in a fenced yard or some secure space. This is what we did whenever we introduced new dogs at the animal shelter, whichever is the higher energy, more excited or dominant dog stays on a leash to allow the other dog to approach at their own pace. It would be a good idea to take the Staffy on a long walk/run before you introduce them to get out some of his energy.Allow the puppy plenty of time and space to be comfortable, and to not force the puppy to be near the Staffy. If the Staffy shows any signs of aggession, growling, lip curling, stiff straight tail, pick up the puppy and correct the Staffy by asking him to lie down and relax. If the Staffy won't relax enough during this introduction, you can try having each person take one dog for a walk, and gradually decrease the distance between them until they are calmly walking close to eachother.It is definitely possible for a dog with a history of fighting to live happily with other dogs, but it will require vigilance on the part of the owner to keep both animals safe. It is up to you to decide whether they should be left alone together, a decision that should not be made until you know how they behave.

    • Personally I think this is asking for trouble. Consult a true trainer or behaviorist in person that can assist you (your vet or local shelter can provide references). Few if any professionals are going to be on YA and none of them are going to be able to evaluate behavior online. As I can't see it, owners often up play or down play behavior, shelters often misinterpret (even if by accident) and I'm personally not comfortable giving advice considering those factors that could prevent a good life for both dogs or simply end in disaster. I will say to keep in mind though a 85 pound dog can kill a 6 pound dog very quickly and even if you do get to a point where you all live together they should never be left alone unsupervised.