My DDB is about to turn 1yr old in 1.5 months?

Hello All,I have a female Dogue De Bordeaux name Courtney. She is about 80-85 lbs. I have been feeding her Innova Large Breed Puppy Food for the first 8.5 months. Her vet told me that she needs a little more protein so I have been doing a 80 (Innova LG…

    My DDB is about to turn 1yr old in 1.5 months?

    Hello All,I have a female Dogue De Bordeaux name Courtney. She is about 80-85 lbs. I have been feeding her Innova Large Breed Puppy Food for the first 8.5 months. Her vet told me that she needs a little more protein so I have been doing a 80 (Innova LG…...
    General Dog Discussions : My DDB is about to turn 1yr old in 1.5 months?...

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    • My DDB is about to turn 1yr old in 1.5 months?

      My DDB is about to turn 1yr old in 1.5 months? General Dog Discussions
      Hello All,I have a female Dogue De Bordeaux name Courtney. She is about 80-85 lbs. I have been feeding her Innova Large Breed Puppy Food for the first 8.5 months. Her vet told me that she needs a little more protein so I have been doing a 80 (Innova LG Breed Puppy Food) / 20 (Orijen LG Breed Puppy Food) for the two months. He told me this because she wan't gain a pound for two months. My questions is at age 1 do I need to move her off puppy food to adult food? If not how much longer does she need to be on puppy food for? One last question is whats a recommended adult food for this breed?Thank you all for your input!

      My DDB is about to turn 1yr old in 1.5 months?

      My DDB is about to turn 1yr old in 1.5 months? General Dog Discussions
    • Keep her on the puppy food until she's at the required weight. If she's down in protein, you can go out and buy some from any walmart or professional bodybuilding place. Just get in vanilla flavor, and add a spoonful to her food. If she's low in protein though, it makes me wonder about the types of food you're feeding. I feed on a raw diet only. which is 25% organ meat, 50% muscle meat, and 25% veggies (right now I'm feeding pumpkin, beets and blackberries for those) In all honesty you can find a butcher and get these meats for very cheap. Make up monthly batches for your dog and freeze them. In reality it would cost the same to feed this appropriate and super healthy mixture for your dog as it would to buy a 'high quality dog food' which you don't even know what's in it, despite the label. Making your own food, you know what she gets and when it was made, how it was made, etc. And generally speaking your dog will eat less because she gets what she needs. Right now, my 12 pound dog, gets 1 tiny dollarstore bowl full of the mixture, and refuses to eat anymore, despite it's delicious and she loves it. I have.. ohh.. 5 pounds of food at about 3-4tbs a day. - Lasts me quite some time.Obviously the feeding will be bigger for you, but you're already feeding bigger amounts with kibble anyway. - It's just a suggestion and something to consider. - If not, get your dog some whey protein and add it to her food. Ask your vet what weight she SHOULD be at for her age, and once you notice she's keeping on track for weight, switch her to an adult food. Blah blah blah, I'm repeating myself lol.Best of luck.

    • 85 lbs is plenty big enough. She should be at around 100-120 at full maturity (2-3 years of age). Making her too fat will only lead to hip and heart problems as she ages. You want low protein levels (26% or lower) until she is about 18 months old. It's fine to put her on adult food now, but watch the protein levels. Vets don't know as much about dog nutrition as they would like us to think. Their education and training is sorely outdated in that area.