Anyone know statistics for lost and/or recovered pets?

I'm doing a persuasive speech for school on microchipping your pets, and I need some facts with sources on how many lost pets are recoved, lost forever, whatever. I've looked all over and can't find any. Thanks

    Anyone know statistics for lost and/or recovered pets?

    I'm doing a persuasive speech for school on microchipping your pets, and I need some facts with sources on how many lost pets are recoved, lost forever, whatever. I've looked all over and can't find any. Thanks...
    General Dog Discussions : Anyone know statistics for lost and/or recovered pets?...

    • Anyone know statistics for lost and/or recovered pets?

      Anyone know statistics for lost and/or recovered pets? General Dog Discussions
      I'm doing a persuasive speech for school on microchipping your pets, and I need some facts with sources on how many lost pets are recoved, lost forever, whatever. I've looked all over and can't find any. Thanks

      Anyone know statistics for lost and/or recovered pets?

      Anyone know statistics for lost and/or recovered pets? General Dog Discussions
    • Statistics are hard to come by because of diffrent types of research use diffrent studies, and the size of the study group. Try some of these sights. or contact these 2 for more information on the statistics.These two systems are the most used Microchipping systems in North America, our particular shelter uses Home Again. We started with them in the 90's and there chips had a fair recovery , but not all vets and shelters had chip readers or took the time to scan the animal. Though now all vets and shelters and pounds are equipped with inexpensive readers. There recovery stats have gone way up. The only small problem is the person using the reader. If they are not properly trained they may not do the entire body sweep, since microchips can migrate through out the body and dont always stay at the point of injection. Sometimes they even travel into the legs. If the person holding the reader doesnt sweep under the dog they can sometimes not pick up the signal.ADDITION: you might want to narrow down your speech and not get so big or ahead of yourself, maybe what you can do is find a local shelter, and interview them and the manager, also the vets around the area get there statistics directly from them.