Yeast Infection in Dog's Ear - Help?

My dog currently has a yeast infection in his left ear, so I've been trying to clean it. The problem is, he -hates- his ear being touched right now (I assume it pains him), and I can't even flip it over to look inside of it anymore. Man-handling him is…

    Yeast Infection in Dog's Ear - Help?

    My dog currently has a yeast infection in his left ear, so I've been trying to clean it. The problem is, he -hates- his ear being touched right now (I assume it pains him), and I can't even flip it over to look inside of it anymore. Man-handling him is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Yeast Infection in Dog's Ear - Help?...

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    • Yeast Infection in Dog's Ear - Help?

      Yeast Infection in Dog's Ear - Help? General Dog Discussions
      My dog currently has a yeast infection in his left ear, so I've been trying to clean it. The problem is, he -hates- his ear being touched right now (I assume it pains him), and I can't even flip it over to look inside of it anymore. Man-handling him is an issue considering the fact that he is a 95 pound Rottweiler mix. I've had my dad and brother try to hold him down while me or my mom try to clean it, but he just gets nasty about it, growling, flailing, trying to bite. A muzzle would make the situation safer for sure, but that doesn't stop him from flailing his head around and making cleaning still impossible.I plan on taking him to the vet in a couple of days if we continue to fail at cleaning it out, but the problem is, if they give us some type of more powerful cleaner, we're still at square one. I cannot clean the ear. Do they have medication in the form of a pill to treat something like this? Pills are so much easier to deal with, hide it in a piece of cheese, and bam. Liquid medication for the ear on the other hand, not so much.Thanks in advance.When we take him to the vet, I have a feeling they're going to have a heck of a time getting him to cooperate at all. They're not going to be able to flip the ear over to look at it because once someone touches it he moves away. Should I suggest sedating him? Or will they find a way to take a look? I don't want him biting anyone. :/ He's normally a really good dog, so it's obvious it's bothering him.I'll talk to my dad about taking him in tomorrow.

      Yeast Infection in Dog's Ear - Help?

      Yeast Infection in Dog's Ear - Help? General Dog Discussions
    • What you need is a medicine called Otomax... only thing that will work...but it DOES work very well. if u spend some time rubbing your hounds ear since of course yeast infections itch like crazy...he should calm down long enuf to get the med in. had the same problem w/my dog...a black lab mastiff mix 165 i feel your pain

    • There is a pill to treat yeast infections in dogs ears, but it's not easy on them, and so is a last resort for ongoing infections. It is also used in conjunction with daily cleaning and medication that is put in the ear canal. You're going to need a muzzle, and as many strong hands as you can find. Do get your dog to the vet ASAP. If left untreated, yeast infections can cause irreparable damage to the ear drum and canal. Good luck.

    • A cream in the ear will be the most effective. I do not know if oral meds would clear up the yeasty ears at all. Ear cleaner WILL NOT treat the ear it only cleans it. Cleaning it will not make the infection go away. I am sure your vet can show you how to properly restrain and treat your dog. If this cannot be accomplished they would be happy to hospitalize him and treat him for you. The ear cleaner typically has alcohol in it and I am sure at this point that burns and hurts. Once his ears start feeling better he should do better unless he is just touchy anyway...if that is the case you really need to work better at socialization. But going to the vet is the only way to help him.

    • Best discussed with the vet treating your dog which you should be going tomorrow. As you stated ear infections are painful & you can't properly clean your dog' ears. It may not be a yeast infection & putting cleaning solution or removing before the vet can get a clean sample to examine is not helpful. Go over every option with the vet & advice for them on how to correctly clean & treat your dog's ears.

    • Look into this product - it will be the best $11.00 ever spent and that includes shipping. I have used it with success even after ear flushing and several rounds of antibiotic ear drops from a vet only to have it return. It is effective against both bacterial and yeast ear infections so you don't have to know which is the cause. Read the reviews and you can see it is a great product. You don't use a cleaner with it, just squirt some in and massage the ear externally to work it in once a day for 7 days or 14 days (if chronic) - should be manageable since it only takes a minute. You don't say what you are cleaning his ears with, but it may be burning. In any event, cleaning is not going to cure an infection. I know of no pills that are effective.

    • Oh lord, we had one of those ear-medicine-hating dogs, we use to have to wait until she was asleep to get anything in her ears. When she was asleep with her head on my lap, D would creep out and get the ear medicine, and I would start stroking her head and messing with her ears, until she wasn't focused on what I was doing, then we'd launch a surprise attack and get it in - usually only one ear at a time and a day apart so she'd forgotten what I did (sort of). She was the only dog I have owned that has ever put her mouth on me in a bad way, never actually injured me, but she made it clear it was coming if I didn't quit. We got her at about 18m from a rescue center, she never did get over her thing about having her ears touched.The girls we have now will stand and let me do it without a word or a sound, just stand and wait until I am finished. It's a joy to do well behaved dogs ears and a nightmare to do a dog that doesn't want it done.Have you watched Cesar? he pretty much pins them down until they give up and then he does it. Good luck doing that with a Rottie.

    • I had a rescue once whose ears were so bad that he wouldn't let me clean them. He was a big, strong dane. I had the vet give a script for tranquilizers. After a couple of days, he figured out that I was helping the ear and I no longer needed the tranquilizer.As for Zymox, what a blessing! I have a toy collie mix who has had ear infections all of her 12 yrs. Even the vet's antibiotics no longer helped. Zymox has cured her last 4 infections. Read the reviews on Amazon. It's good stuff!