How do you stop a dog from digging?

Our dog's constantly digging holes in the garden. Is there any way of getting him to stop this. He is only 10 months old.

    How do you stop a dog from digging?

    Our dog's constantly digging holes in the garden. Is there any way of getting him to stop this. He is only 10 months old....
    General Dog Discussions : How do you stop a dog from digging?...

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    • How do you stop a dog from digging?

      How do you stop a dog from digging? General Dog Discussions
      Our dog's constantly digging holes in the garden. Is there any way of getting him to stop this. He is only 10 months old.

      How do you stop a dog from digging?

      How do you stop a dog from digging? General Dog Discussions
    • Our puppy has started this, apparently they will choose favourite digging places so you can bury their poo there and they don't like the smell, I also read on the internet about burying chicken wire, I didn't fancy this as don't want to damage her so I got some old wire hanging baskets and put them over the holes, she hasn't dug for 2 days so fingers crossed. I have filled up a washing up liquid bottle and squirt her if she goes near the holes and say a sharp NO.

    • Try to keep his nails cut short. And you can place pepper on the areas that he is digging. This won't hurt him, but will cause him to sneeze. But the digging should stop if you do these 2 things.

    • Do you walk your dog daily? If so for how long? All dogs need at least a 20 min walk everyday. The reason I ask these question is b/c in some cases where dogs digging in the yard are due to boredom. So by giving them those daily walks or even increasing the time in a walk can stop these behaviours. Some dogs are just born diggers and its just something they enjoy doing. If you can block off an area where he can dig and encourage him to dig in that area only. Some people like to use a sandbox b/c it help the dog identify where they can go. Some pet stores sell a product that is designed to stop a dog from digging by just spraying this product where they have been digging. I have heard that people find it works. I also have a link to an article on digging with some more useful tips. Good luck

    • Have you looked at flag training? Principle is fairly straight forward. The flags are no-go. You teach them the flags are bad, and once he gets the message, place them near the holes. He will then avoid it. When you see him start to dig again, place a flag there with a firm "no". It can also help with potty training if you find your dog is going over your prized rose bushes. Other thing is look into the exercise and other stimulation. Destructive behaviour is often caused by lack of mental/physical stimulation. Maybe increase the walks or change the toys?

    • Give him a place that he can dig without getting into trouble. You can buy a small child's swimming pool or sand box/with lid and fill either one with sand. Hide toys and surprises in the sand and let him dig for his treasures. Then if you catch him digging in the "wrong area", you can tell him "no" and take him to the place that he is permitted to dig. It will be much easier to give him a play box to dig in than it is to stop him from doing something that dogs do naturally!!!