Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?

Is it cruel to get a dog if me and my housemate will be out (and the dog will be alone) for about 7 hours a day? Are there any breeds which are more suited than others to being alone? What can be done to limit the stress on a dog?

    Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?

    Is it cruel to get a dog if me and my housemate will be out (and the dog will be alone) for about 7 hours a day? Are there any breeds which are more suited than others to being alone? What can be done to limit the stress on a dog?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?...

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    • that is not cruel..lots of dogs are left home while their owner works. Just make sure they are comfortable while you're away and they won't be over stressed. Make sure they have water, toys, possibly some food, and a place to lay and be comfortable. There are some breeds that are probably better left alone than others, but it also depends on the personality of the dog. My brother had a boston terrier that tore everything up in his apartment while at work (the dog now lives with my mom) and then he got another one who doesn't touch anything.

    • i know how hard it can be when you get clucky for a puppy, but you really have to consider the dog here. you have to be honest with yourself and go with your actual gut reaction, not your heart strings. could you really hold on for seven hours when you needed to go to the toilet? would you want to leave a new dog unsupervised with anything chewy? when you get bored or lonely, you can do somethig about it can't you? a dog does'nt have that choice he depends on humans to help him out. if you want a dog to keep you company, is it fair on the dog to give HIM company only when it suits you? getting two dogs isn't always the answer either. the second dog has all the same needs as the first! i'm not against anyone who has a dog at home all day , its just really hard when your're starting's also hard because you don't know the dogs personality when you first get it. it may be quite happy or it might crave love and attention, how could you be sure, and if it's the latter you might be letting yourself in for a lot of heartache!.if you get a young dog or a puppy it has to be taught what's expected of it and socialisation classes to help it become a well adjusted dog. i'm not for or against it , it is just a big responsability owning a pet,vet fees, kennal fees e.t.c. i really wish you luck and hope evevrything works out for you. i do understand how you feel and just want to put a few freindly pointers your way. good luck and bye for now.

    • Ok, if you will be gone for seven hours every days, then it would not be wise to get a puppy. An adult dog would be much better (if cats are out of the question as they are litter trained)Puppies need a lot of training when they are little like socilization to different animals/people, crate training, potty training. If you are gone for a significant portion of the day, this would be difficult for you and not fair for the puppy.Another option you can consider is getting an adult dog. There are many adult dogs that need homes, from humane societies, no kill rescues, to purebreed rescues. An adult would be more mature and be better able to withstand that long of an absence. (Dogs can take up to two years to mature)Dogs are pack animals though and do get lonely and BORED when their owners aren't around to play with them. You can help alleviate this by perhaps adopting two animals that already get along well, exercising the dog routinely every day, and leaving plenty of toys at home. There is no one breed that is better suited to being alone than others.Some people love to run/walk long distances with their dogs and this is great and even ideal. They need an outlet for energy. You can also leave toys around the house like toys filled with treats (Kong filled with peanut butter and then frozen to last longer). There are puzzle cubes and all kinds of things to chew on. All in all, it would be difficult to train a puppy and if you are going to get any canine, I would try to take some vacation time off so you guys can bond first. Make sure that when you leave every day, he knows you will come back. The last thing you want is a dog with anxiety and perhaps hurting himself or your house.Just some things to think about.Hope this helps,Kova

    • It is not an ideal situation but make sure the dog has a marrow bone which will keep him busy for hours licking out the marrow and also some hooves to chew. Can a neighbour or young person check on the dog once during the day? You could pay a responsible teenager to do in any play with the dog for half an hour or so?

    • its not a good idea, they need company. in my dog book it said ideally they should be left no longer than 4-6 hours otherwise they can be at risk of boredom,anxietty,depression (serious) they need stimulation. and walks at least twice a day. ur maybe better with a cat. my dog goes to my mother in laws who has her sister i work 12 hour shifts she is neva left a home when am working. otherwise u could think of having a dog sitter??