Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?

Is it cruel to get a dog if me and my housemate will be out (and the dog will be alone) for about 7 hours a day? Are there any breeds which are more suited than others to being alone? What can be done to limit the stress on a dog?

    Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?

    Is it cruel to get a dog if me and my housemate will be out (and the dog will be alone) for about 7 hours a day? Are there any breeds which are more suited than others to being alone? What can be done to limit the stress on a dog?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?...

    • Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?

      Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work? General Dog Discussions
      Is it cruel to get a dog if me and my housemate will be out (and the dog will be alone) for about 7 hours a day? Are there any breeds which are more suited than others to being alone? What can be done to limit the stress on a dog?

      Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work?

      Is it cruel to get a dog which will be alone for several hours when I go to work? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes it is cruel ... would you like being stuck in somewhere for 7 hours on a hot summers day, or all day during winter.Stop thinking about your own needs.

    • It's just not as good, if you don't have the time to spend with the dog, consider not getting it. But if you really want it, then consider hiring a pet sitter, walker or have a friend/family member drop by to spend some time with your dog. Even humans get bore sitting around surrounded by 4 walls for hours, why won't a dog~!?!

    • Get two instead of one, that way they'll keep each other company (be sure to provide a place for them to use the bathroom insided) or else hire a dog walker for the middle of the day. Or else, get a job that allows you to come home in the afternoon to take him out. These things are what all my friends do with their dogs. They all feel that it's torturing an animal to leave it by itself for more than 4 or 5 hours at a time. After all, how would you feel if you were left alone by yourself for seven hours without being able to use the bathroom or go outside or watch tv. All you could do is sit there all alone in the quiet.

    • i think two dogs would be better at keeping each other company. not two males, they fight too much. as an animal lover, i know your feelings. i have always felt really bad leaving my cat at home when i go to work all day. i refuse to get another animal now because of the same reason. i would reconsider getting one if i am home more often or have someone there at home all day or if i can get two of the kind for companionship. maybe check websites about dog breeds to see if there's any that like to be alone most of their time.

    • What you need to do is buy a new puppy and starve it of oxygen for about 4 minuits and when it comes around it will be a little brain dead and you can keep it in the kitchen for years, it won't give a feck it'll be a retard.

    • In my opinion it is not cruel. Most people who have pets have to go to work. Just be sure that your dog has plenty of food and water, and you may want to leave toys for him to play with so he doesn't get bored and chew your furniture or clothes. If you choose to get a puppy, you may want to confine him to a small area such as a bathroom or something because he will urinate on your carpet. If I got a dog that I wanted to be suited for being alone, you may want to read up on the dog breeds on the internet to see which breed is best suited for indoor dogs.

    • Dogs are social/pack animals so it would be better to get two dogs if you are out a lot. That way, they would have each other for company when you are not in.Sometimes, dogs left on their own become quite destructive because they are stressed by the solitude. To limit the stress on a dog, make sure that it has plenty of water left for it, and somewhere comfortable to lay down. Plenty of fuss and love whenever you return to the house will reassure your dog. Remember, to your dog, you are the pack leader and he/she needs to feel accepted and wanted.

    • Lot's of people do this without realising dogs are naturally pack animals and feel unsafe alone. This is really distressing for a dog. If you really feel the need to get a dog, you should put the tv or radio on when you are out so the dog can hear human voices, let the dog have access to it's bed, clean water, plenty of toys so it doesn't chew the place up, and make sure you take it out for a walk before and after you leave it alone. Of course the best thing to do is get two dogs. They keep eachother company.

    • 7 hours is not bad at all, as long as you make sure the dog gets to go out often enough. You have to make time to play with, and excercise the dog.I have to 90 pound mutt-monsters. They are perfectly fine being at home by themselves while I work. I think they mostly sleep.I make time to walk them twice a day, and let them out in the yard often, and we play everyday. As long as you are committed to caring for the dog, you'll all be okay.You should really put more importance on the size of the dog. How big is your house? Do you have a yard?The bigger the dog, the more space they'll need.

    • Seven hours isn't too bad. Will it be an adult dog or a puppy? It is much easier for an adult dog to hold his urine for many hours; it is almost impossible for a puppy to wait that long to pee. There are many ways to keep the dog stress-free, some people recommend leaving a radio on. Have plenty of safe toys and chewies to keep the dog occupied while you are gone. Make sure that whatever rooms the dog is in are 'dog-proofed', that is, make sure there are no electrical cords that he could chew on, no poisonous plants, things like that. You can keep the dog in a crate for that time, it will keep him (and your house) safe, just make sure to have safe toys and things for him to do. Either way, just be sure to let the dog out as soon as you get home, and be prepared to spend some time outside with the dog, letting him play fetch, go for a walk, or some other way to let him get some exercise and release all that pent-up energy. I'm afraid I don't have any specific breed recommendations, except that a small dog will be able to get its exercise in a smaller space, and if you use a crate, you won't have to use a huge one like we did for our Shepherds!Good luck.

    • It is not cruel, as long as you give your dog enough excerise, training, attention and stimulation to keep it from being bored and lonely while you are gone. Dogs sleep a tremendous amount, and you need to make sure that while you are out, your dog is tired out and comfortable, and likely to just sack out. If you give it lots of exersize and playtime before you go out, and leave it with plenty of stimulating puzzle toys (like Kongs or BusterCubes), and crate-train it or confine it to one room (so it won't get into stuff that can be dangerous while you're not there to supervise), most dogs are fine with that.But don't get a puppy. Puppies require being taken out to potty every hour until they get old enough that their bladders and bowels can hold it longer and tend to have a much higher energy level than adult dogs. An adult dog 2-4 years of age or older would be ideal. A healthy senior dog would be an excellent choice.