How to stop a dog from excessive licking?

My friend has a dog who when I first come into my friends house the dog just has to lick me - it doesn't matter weather it's my skin or my clothes, she just has to lick. She won't let me touch her until she has licked every part of me she can reach, I've…

    How to stop a dog from excessive licking?

    My friend has a dog who when I first come into my friends house the dog just has to lick me - it doesn't matter weather it's my skin or my clothes, she just has to lick. She won't let me touch her until she has licked every part of me she can reach, I've…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to stop a dog from excessive licking?...

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    • How to stop a dog from excessive licking?

      How to stop a dog from excessive licking? General Dog Discussions
      My friend has a dog who when I first come into my friends house the dog just has to lick me - it doesn't matter weather it's my skin or my clothes, she just has to lick. She won't let me touch her until she has licked every part of me she can reach, I've tried ignoring her, but that doesn't work.Any suggestions?

      How to stop a dog from excessive licking?

      How to stop a dog from excessive licking? General Dog Discussions
    • say "no" then tell the owner to get take control and that you dont like the licking . every time she tries pull your hand or the part she is trying to lick back and say NO say it firmly if she continues say NO and push her away or have the owner take control

    • Find something that is harmless but unpleasant to taste, and spray it or dust it on yourself. My first thought was pepper or tabasco (diluted) but you may not want to smell of either of those. Does she do this to everyone or just you? You have to wonder why a dog would do this. Does she regard you as a good friend who needs a wash or a puppy figure that she has to take care of?

    • Your friend should take her dog to the vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions. If the dog is deemed healthy, it seems to me that she must be under-exercised and mentally bored. A tired dog won't engaged in unacceptable behaviour. A bored dog can engaged in excessive behaviours: barking, licking, chewing, or even become aggressive. The dog needs more mental stimulation (training, tricks, things to do, places to go) and social activities so that it's around other dogs and people.