Help with prognosis for thrombocytopenia in dogs?

My dog was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with immune mediated thrombocytopenia (he had bruises all over his body and the pate lets where below 10,000). The doctor gave him a high dose of prednisone 1,5 ml/kg, and after the first week, the pate let count raise…

    Help with prognosis for thrombocytopenia in dogs?

    My dog was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with immune mediated thrombocytopenia (he had bruises all over his body and the pate lets where below 10,000). The doctor gave him a high dose of prednisone 1,5 ml/kg, and after the first week, the pate let count raise…...
    General Dog Discussions : Help with prognosis for thrombocytopenia in dogs?...

    • Help with prognosis for thrombocytopenia in dogs?

      Help with prognosis for thrombocytopenia in dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My dog was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with immune mediated thrombocytopenia (he had bruises all over his body and the pate lets where below 10,000). The doctor gave him a high dose of prednisone 1,5 ml/kg, and after the first week, the pate let count raise above 500,000. Then, after a week, the doctor reduced the prednisone by half, and today, after 5 days with the new dose I noticed the bruises again. Does this mean that he relapsed? should I give him the first dose of prednisone? is there another medication? the prognosis is really bad?

      Help with prognosis for thrombocytopenia in dogs?

      Help with prognosis for thrombocytopenia in dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Your vet is trying to find the exact dose for your dog. Call him/her tomorrow and tell about the bruising. I wish there were vets here but there are none. This is definitely something that needs to be brought to the attention of your vet right away. Only your vet can give you a prognosis and it may be too soon to tell.BTW it's "platelets."

    • I wouldn't change the dosage without talking to your vet. I had a dog with the same condition, and it took a while to get the right dosage of prednisone. Your vet will probably want to do another blood test tomorrow to find out for sure what her levels are, then phone you with any change in dosage.I'll leave it to your vet to give any prognosis, but just to let you know, my dog's life was extended nearly 2 years from her first crisis. She was very lucky and had no side effects from the prednisone, which was given to her every other day. She did have a 2nd crisis about a year after the first, so keep a close eye on your dog. I became too complacent with the blood tests since the results were exactly the same for months on end....and of course, the time that I allowed the interval to be longer than it should have been, was when she chose to have her platelet count drop dramatically....sure smartened me up.