How many other dogs does your dog meet?

Some people seem to keep their dogs away from other dogs, so my question is how many other dogs does your dog meet in a day .Me and my dog meet 4 other dog walkers, with 7 dogs every morning. There is no one else around at that time in the morning so…

    How many other dogs does your dog meet?

    Some people seem to keep their dogs away from other dogs, so my question is how many other dogs does your dog meet in a day .Me and my dog meet 4 other dog walkers, with 7 dogs every morning. There is no one else around at that time in the morning so…...
    General Dog Discussions : How many other dogs does your dog meet?...

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    • How many other dogs does your dog meet?

      How many other dogs does your dog meet? General Dog Discussions
      Some people seem to keep their dogs away from other dogs, so my question is how many other dogs does your dog meet in a day .Me and my dog meet 4 other dog walkers, with 7 dogs every morning. There is no one else around at that time in the morning so all 8 dogs run round the park together. In the evening my dog meets a few other dogs but I tend to keep him on the lead, there are too many distractions around to let him off the lead at that time.

      How many other dogs does your dog meet?

      How many other dogs does your dog meet? General Dog Discussions
    • Depends....I take him to a dog park sometimes (once a week or so)...He meets lots there.When we take a walk around the neighborhood we meet several...depends on the day and when we go.There is also a GSD mix that wonders around the neighborhood...they've played on our porch a couple of times.

    • I don't allow strange dogs near mine. I don't trust either their freedom from parasites & disease nor >especially<their training & discipline.When hunting & turned out w/others,they do NOT "meet"...they ignore & do their job.

    • We usually pass a few dogs while we are out for our walks. Sadly though, there isn't any dog parks around where I live. Indi still gets a lot of interaction with my friend's dogs though. It's funny watching them chase each other.

    • It depends. I don't trust people's dogs I don't know so I don't go to dog parks. He has a few dogs in the neighborhood who come over to either my yard or he'll go to theirs and play for an afternoon at least once a week and a couple friends dogs when we get together. Only people's dogs I know though. He's been socialized since he was a puppy and was old enough to start meeting other dogs so he's good with all of them and loves it when we do get to have other dogs over.

    • I prefer not to meet others dogs if possible. My dogs really don't need to see other dogs and they don't socialize with them much when they do. My problem is, I don't know what the other dog is going to do to mine. I work at a vet hospital and I have seen the results of many dog -strange dog encounters and the results are not pretty. In fact many dogs have been killed by strange dogs. So I work hard to limit the access.

    • Well my dog has an electric fence so we just let him roam outside as he pleases. He probably meets about 4. He meets them as he walks by. The more your dog meets the better. The trick is to socialize your dog and he/she will be happier. Make sure to keep your dog under supervision to avoid any vicous contact or fighting.

    • It depends on where I walk them and at what time.We usually see the same people in the morning, around 2 or 3, who each have a dog or too but I tend to vary the evening walks so it can range from 0 to 5/6.I always allow my puppies to meet other people/dogs but I am trying to let them do it in a more controlled way. Usually, they see a dog and they run to meet it. I am concerned about this because it doesn't give me time to check with the owner if the dog is friendly.I always try to call them back and walk over with them to meet the dog.

    • only the dogs they are aready with..people seem to avoid me and my dogs as mika picked up alfies old habbit of barking at them, so they think that hes aggressive but hes a baby but they do there best to avoide him...for some strange reason and i dont fully unnderstand why when i take mika to town people seem to cross the road so they dont go near him.. its's weird when i used to take alfie to town way before he died people always come up and fussed him but with mika they run evan though hes friendly they still treat him like he has the plague

    • My 3 dogs only meet other dogs at dog shows most weekends. We are fortunate in having a lot of land for them to run around in as we live in a rural area surrounded by farm land. The farmers don't allow dogs on their land because of the animals so having an acre of land of our own is great for our dogs.

    • We have always had very sociable dogs that were very friendly to other dogs but it had to happen that we have 2 dogs that are not very friendly with others 1 is very anti social she is 2 and has been this way since a puppy i brought her up the same as i have always done but she had had a bad start as her owner died then she was in a kennel we have resigned ourselves that we cant change her so we put her on a lead when we encounter another dog just in case of a fight, her parents were working dogs she is a Patter-dale terrier small but fearless.The older dog 12 is a Jack Russel she will tolerate other but lets them know to back off she was bitten by a Doberman as a puppy so became wary of other dogs. We lost our old Jack Russel aged 21 this year and she was the friendliest dog no matter the size would would be friendly and none aggressive.Maybe you are meeting people with a not so friendly dog and keep it like i do on a lead to prevent any confrontation.You are lucky to have a friendly dog as i miss my old girl and am on edge when we meet other dogs.

    • During the day they go out with a dog walker so I have NO idea how many dogs they meet, could be 2 could be 15, who knows??But when I take then out of an evening, there are the other dog walkers that we meet daily, lets see today we met-*Clay the Husky, *Mindie the Springer, *Dexter the Welsh Springer, *Maddie the Springer, *Louis the Springer. They're the ones we see regularly. But then there are about 10 other dogs that we will encounter and say hello to. So loads of dogs, but mines are also off lead, so will either be approached or approach other dogs.

    • It is important for your dog to socialise with other dogs and play, my dogs meet lots of dogs every day, I allow my dog to play with other dogs in the park however if dogs are on a lead their owners may not want other dogs to approach so I call my dog to heel, the best thing to do is have a solid recall so that you can call your dog to you if an owner does not want his/her dog to mix with other dogsKeep up with the socialisation and try to meet and greet as many friendly dogs as you can, and people including children