HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?

my dog ate an M&M i don't know when, but right now it looks as if he has to throw up but he hasn't. what can i do? will he die? he's been like this since this morning, not non-stop but throughout the day. help please!make that 4 m&ms, my mistake.

    HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?

    my dog ate an M&M i don't know when, but right now it looks as if he has to throw up but he hasn't. what can i do? will he die? he's been like this since this morning, not non-stop but throughout the day. help please!make that 4 m&ms, my mistake....
    General Dog Discussions : HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?...

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    • HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?

      HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!? General Dog Discussions
      my dog ate an M&M i don't know when, but right now it looks as if he has to throw up but he hasn't. what can i do? will he die? he's been like this since this morning, not non-stop but throughout the day. help please!make that 4 m&ms, my mistake.

      HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?

      HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!? General Dog Discussions
    • Why don't you just do your dog a favor and just take em to the vet already!?! I wouldn't think one little m&m would hurt em but you never know.

    • I doubt the dog throwing up all day is a result of 1 single m&m. if it was several then possibly. What else did the dog eat before and after the candy?Yes chocolate can be dangerous to a dog. They do not process the cocoa in the chocolate like a human does. But a single m&m even to a small dog shouldn't cause day long vomiting.Take the dog to your vet ASAP and find out what's going on.

    • a single m&m? that's it? and you're getting hysterical? calm your butt down. even if you have a tiny teacup chipoodle or whatever, a single m&m isn't enough chocolate to hurt. he may get an upset stomach or maybe a little loose stool but nothing worse. if you are that worried that he is going to die, call the darn vet. geez, where do these people come from?!?!

    • One m&m is not going to harm your dog. He would have to eat a lot more then that to even become sick. Using a dose of 100 mg/kg as the toxic dose it comes out roughly as:1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.So, for example, 2 oz. of Baker's chocolate can cause great risk to an 15 lb. dog. Yet, 2 oz. of Milk chocolate usually will only cause digestive problemsHe may not be feeling good for some other reason so a trip to the vet may be in order.

    • he is fine. my dog once ate all of my easter candy when i was little (all 17 peices, some were king size candy bars!) and he was totally fine. didn't throw up or anything. your dog may vomit but he is going to be fine. an m&m will not harm your dog.

    • It shouldn't hurt him, I give my dog an M&M once in a while. But the other day he ate a piece of chocolate with a piece of almond in it and he threw up the piece of almond. Dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate, but it would take a lot of candy because our candy is mostly sugar and stuff besides chocolate.

    • He won't die! Your so silly! (not to be mean) When my dog eats something he's not supposed to I take him to the water bowl to wash it down, if he's about to throw up I take him outside and talk comfortably to him

    • Um well honestly your dog is probably not sick from eating one M&M chocolate can be poisonous but only if it is 100% cocoa and if they eat mass quanities trust me little chihuahua has eaten an m&m before a reeses peanut butter cup and plenty of other things he shouldnt and has yet to die from any of that! am i sayen yeah go give your dog chocolate ...NO of course not im just letting you know that is your dog is sick it is most likely not from one m&m!!!! If your that nervous call your vet or take him to an emergency vet hospital but my guess is he is probably fine just watch his eating and drinking habits if they are non existant than call the vet but i wouldnt get too worked up trust me !--pro dog trainer

    • it requires at least 4 M&Ms per pound of doggie weight to harm him.So, if your dog weighs 5 pounds, it can tolerate 20 M&Ms.If your dog weighs 12 pounds, it can tolerate 48 of them.If your dog weighs 100 pounds, it can tolerate 400 M&Ms.