HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?

my dog ate an M&M i don't know when, but right now it looks as if he has to throw up but he hasn't. what can i do? will he die? he's been like this since this morning, not non-stop but throughout the day. help please!make that 4 m&ms, my mistake.

    HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?

    my dog ate an M&M i don't know when, but right now it looks as if he has to throw up but he hasn't. what can i do? will he die? he's been like this since this morning, not non-stop but throughout the day. help please!make that 4 m&ms, my mistake....
    General Dog Discussions : HELP! my dog ate an M&M?!?...

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    • You know, I'd never even heard this thing about chocolate being deadly to dogs until 3 months ago, and I've owned 6 dogs over the years. They've all died of natural causes, NOT chocolate.Yesterday I accidentally dropped half a chocolate-covered Nutty Bar on the floor and my 60-lb dog ate it. I forgot about the whole chocolate thing until just now. But my dog's been fine.I'm not saying it's okay to feed your dog chocolate, but one M &M?LET US KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DOG, THOUGH, OKAY?

    • Of course not. If it your dog is big, no. If your dog is medium or small sized, no, because a dog can't just die from eating an m&m. Once, my neighbor's dog got into all the easter chocolate. He just had to throw up quite a bit, but He wasn't dying or anything.

    • People go crazy about chocolate but don't realize that dogs have to eat a lot of chocolate in order to approach the toxic level. Someone already posted the numbers, so a 10 lbs dog would have to eat about 5 packages (~2 oz each) of M&Ms to reach the toxic level. I would never intentionally feed a dog any chocolate, but even if I dropped a whole chocolate bar and one of my GSPs (60 lbs) ate it before I could grab it I wouldn't be concerned.

    • no he wont die, all dogs can have chocolate, but just not alot, and even if they did have alot of chocolate it will not kill them it will just make them sick hope this helps