is chocalate bad for dogs?

is chocalate bad for dogs?

    is chocalate bad for dogs?

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    • is chocalate bad for dogs?

      is chocalate bad for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      is chocalate bad for dogs?

      is chocalate bad for dogs?

      is chocalate bad for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • deadlyits OK if they have a little bit, but if you think its necessary (better be safe than sorry) give the dog some medicine that makes people throw up, I dont know what its called, but they make it

    • Yes it is. And dark chocolate is more toxic than milk chocolate. My friends beagle ate a whole pound of See's milk chocolate, he's about 30 pounds. The vet's said that if it were dark chocolate it would've been dead because it is more toxic. If he would've ate more of the milk chocolate, about 2 pounds, it would've had the same effect as dark chocolate.Whatever you do, don't give chocolate to you dog.

    • "Chocolate contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, theobromine increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. While amounts vary by type of chocolate, it's the theobromine that is poisonous to dogs."

    • yes, i do not exactly why it is bad for dogs, but I know for a fact that it is very bad for them and in many cases has killed them befor when they got to much chocolate, you might think you are being nice to your dog and loving it by giving it a little chocolate but your just posioning.

    • Yes! In large enough doses it can act like a poison. Here is some info: We've all heard it, "Don't give your dog chocolate it will kill him". We'll how true is it you're probably wondering. Do I have to rush him to an emergency vet if he ate one of my M&M's?The truth is chocolate contains theobromine that is toxic to dogs in sufficient quantities. This is a xanthine compound in the same family of caffeine, and theophylline.Toxic LevelsThe good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine 100-150 mg/kg to cause a toxic reaction. Although there are variables to consider like the individual sensitivity, animal size and chocolate concentration.On average,Milk chocolate contains 44 mg of theobromine per oz.Semisweet chocolate contains 150mg/oz.Baker's chocolate 390mg/oz.Using a dose of 100 mg/kg as the toxic dose it comes out roughly as:1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.So, for example, 2 oz. of Baker's chocolate can cause great risk to an 15 lb. dog. Yet, 2 oz. of Milk chocolate usually will only cause digestive problems. Clinical SignsXanthines affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. It has a diuretic effect as well. Clinical signs: Hyper excitability Hyper irritability Increased heart rate Restlessness Increased urination Muscle tremors Vomiting DiarrheaTreatmentThere is no specific antidote for this poisoning. And the half life of the toxin is 17.5 hours in dogs. Induce vomiting in the first 1-2 hours if the quantity is unknown. Administering activated charcoal may inhibit absorption of the toxin. An anticonvulsant might be indicated if neurological signs are present and needs to be controlled. Oxygen therapy, intravenous medications, and fluids might be needed to protect the heart.Milk chocolate will often cause diarrhea 12-24 hours after ingestion. This should be treated symptomatically (fluids, etc..) to prevent dehydration.If you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate contact your Vet immediately! They can help you determine the the proper treatment for your pet.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLICK HERE for more Canine ArticlesCLICK HERE for more Pet Health ArticlesCLICK HERE to see TalkToTheVet's BEST DOGS-YOURS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------© Copyright 1999-2005 registered trademark TalkToTheVet ®All Rights ReservedNo duplication without written permission

    • Ok yes it is bad for dogs. But it won't kill them in small doses. For example, I had a dog about 30 lbs (the bigger the dog, the more chocolate to affect it) and she ate like, 15 Hershey's Minis (the little chocolate, Krackel, Mr. Goodyear, etc bars) and she got sick to her stomach. So if you feed your chuhuahua like, 5 chocolate bars, it might kill it, but a normal amount will just make the poor things sick.

    • yes it makes them sick (deadly).i had a dog once and she would eat everything I ate except I never would let her eat chocolate.she would get really pissed at me,wine but i would never give in.