How to train a dog to be friendly with other dogs again?

My make dog (Colie X) has been attacked by other dogs a few times and now goes for other dogs himself. How can I train him to get on with other dogs now? He is neutered and obedient, but will storm off when he sees another dog and try to bite it, he gets…

    How to train a dog to be friendly with other dogs again?

    My make dog (Colie X) has been attacked by other dogs a few times and now goes for other dogs himself. How can I train him to get on with other dogs now? He is neutered and obedient, but will storm off when he sees another dog and try to bite it, he gets…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to train a dog to be friendly with other dogs again?...

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    • How to train a dog to be friendly with other dogs again?

      How to train a dog to be friendly with other dogs again? General Dog Discussions
      My make dog (Colie X) has been attacked by other dogs a few times and now goes for other dogs himself. How can I train him to get on with other dogs now? He is neutered and obedient, but will storm off when he sees another dog and try to bite it, he gets really vicious, so I am not confident to take him on walks where there might be other dogs anymore.I got him a muzzle so that we can go to the vet, as he also started to go nuts there, which he hasn't done in the past. I fear that a muzzle might make him more aggressive as he gets insecure.He also goes absolutely crazy whenever I put the muzzle on and I tried all sorts of tricks to get him used to it.I seem to be in a catch 22 situation. If I go to e.g. the beach with him, chances are that he will attack another dog. But: If I keep avoiding other dogs, he will never learn that they mean no harm to him.Unfortunately as this is a rural area, many people let their dogs roam free and if they walk them, they have no lead on them, so it happened before that other dogs just ran towards him to play and he went for them. There is no place nearby where I could let him stay on a lead, knowing that other dogs will be on a lead too.

      How to train a dog to be friendly with other dogs again?

      How to train a dog to be friendly with other dogs again? General Dog Discussions
    • He's attacking out of fear.. He is going to make sure that if there is going to be a fight, he is going to be the first one to bite.. You have to help him build his confidence.. He is picking up something from you likely, fear, anxiety etc.. And it's making him fearful and anxious... which makes him a target for other dogs.. He is the weak one when it comes to other dogs, he is the victim, because he is afraid..

    • Yeah as the other writer stated he is doing it out of fear, or the proper term is passive aggressive. He has alot going on in his head. He doesn't know if he will be attack so he figures if he starts, the others will back down. Then you put a muzzle on him and he feels totally defensive.The best thing I could recommend to you is take him to areas where they have to be leashes. Like a Dog park. Keep him at a distance the first time. Next time if he was okay with it bring him closer to the other dogs.. Preferable start with only one dog so he doesn't feel overwhelmed. If the second time works, keep taking him and get a Little closer each time.This is going to be hard on you, but if you want he to see that not all Dogs are aggressive. This is the only way to do it. Make sure you have the muzzle off and he is at a safe distance.I hope this works, let me know and write me anytime

    • I understand exactly what your going through because my little terrier dog is exactly the same. You end up becoming an expert on looking out for other dogs and it does become a nightmare walking them. First of all, as a responsible owner you need to keep your dog on the lead at all times when other dogs are around. Unfortunatly you will never stop other people's dogs running up to yours, but if your dog reacts aggresively then it's the other owners fault for having there dog off lead. Whenever i see another dog on the lead it's for a reason so i put my youngest friendly dog back on the lead aswell. Dog to dog aggresion is a difficult behaviour to correct and the only advise i keep getting told is to find a behaviourist which i'm in the process of doing. If you keep your dog on the lead then there he doesn't need to be muzzled, my own dog has a muzzle aswell which she has worn rarely. If your letting your dog run loose then he must wear a muzzle to prevent him seriesly injuring another dog. I hope you manage to find the help for your dog. All the best.

    • my friend had a heinz 57 that reacted the same way. any dog approached and he would fly at it and attack. she found that the best thing to do was walk him on leash in a dog area, then when ever another dog comes forward and he goes mental (yours) pul l him gently to one side, kneel down with him, and sit there talking calmly to him stroking the side of his face telling him "its ok" etc. after 6 months of this, her dog started behaving well with other dogs. and now, a further 3 months after, can now be let to roam off leash without any problems! to the point where he was walking the other dog and out of nowhere another dog came and attacked him, and all he did was just run back to her (the owner) where as he would normally be up for a huge fight and it would take a while to seperate him. he now would rather play with other dogs than fight and is a great animal. so it is possible, to manage, just need a bit of positive reinforcement.