How can I stop my dog from licking my niece?

My 2 year old staffie loves children, and is really well behaved around them (Supervised of course!). My 18 month old niece loves her, but keeps holding her hands out for the dog to lick them, I can see it annoys my sister in law, and I correct the dog…

    How can I stop my dog from licking my niece?

    My 2 year old staffie loves children, and is really well behaved around them (Supervised of course!). My 18 month old niece loves her, but keeps holding her hands out for the dog to lick them, I can see it annoys my sister in law, and I correct the dog…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I stop my dog from licking my niece?...

    • How can I stop my dog from licking my niece?

      How can I stop my dog from licking my niece? General Dog Discussions
      My 2 year old staffie loves children, and is really well behaved around them (Supervised of course!). My 18 month old niece loves her, but keeps holding her hands out for the dog to lick them, I can see it annoys my sister in law, and I correct the dog and tell her NO firmly, but a few seconds later my niece will run over to her and hold her hands out to be licked again. Any suggestions for how to break this behaviour?

      How can I stop my dog from licking my niece?

      How can I stop my dog from licking my niece? General Dog Discussions
    • Sounds like you should start with breaking your neices behavior. She's is asking the dog to do something that you are telling the dog is wrong. Consistancy is the best way to train a dog, and this situation is very inconsistant.

    • I am not sure where you are, but here in the states you can buy "bitter apple" in a spray. It is totally natural and safe and a littl squirt where the dog licks will probibly do the trick. If you use it for a couple of weeks when your dog and niece are together, he will get the idea.if you do a search from where you are, I bet you can find it on line.

    • Licking is a natural thing for a dog to do, so in my opinion there is nothing that you can do to stop the dog but to keep the dog away from ur niece. Other than that I would tell your sister-in-law its natural for the dog to do and that she needs to get over it!

    • Tell the child not to do the dog licked your hands before, so its a bit late won't know why it is being stopped from doing something ithas always done...why not keep them can get a dog cage...not can go in it when child about...., very young children and dogs don't mix no matter how good you think your dog is.

    • I had a chihuahua that did the same thing. I was watching animal planet one day a few years ago and they showed this episode on dog training. I personally don't like the rolled up newspaper idea for punishing a dog but I found out that spraying him with water from a common household spray bottle works wonders to train your dog not to do things. Hope this helped!

    • It is a natural behavior for a dog to sniff and lick someone who is extending their hand to them. Just like if you have a balled up piece of paper in your hand and you handed it to someone, they will take it before realizing it is trash. (try it).The dog's behavior is not the problem. You probably hand treats to your dog in this manner, so telling your dog "NO" is confusing her.The behavior change lies in the mom. If she doesn't want her daughter to be licked, she should teach her not to extend her hand.

    • Simply tell your niece not to do it. I mean, the dog prob licks other peoples hands and I doubt he'll understand the difference between one person and another, so itd be fairer to get your niece to quit winding the dog up

    • maybe you should keep your niece away from the dog a little then she will maybe forget to stick her hands out or maybe your sister in law should hold her or take her to another room so it doesnt bother her..