Why is my dog obsessed with the red laser?

My dog Claira is a Maltese. She is a ball of energy but her reflexes are a bit slow. Anyway when she first saw the laser she would chase it. Like normal. It was hilarious. But now she's obsessed. If I don't shine it she will stare at me and wait for…

    Why is my dog obsessed with the red laser?

    My dog Claira is a Maltese. She is a ball of energy but her reflexes are a bit slow. Anyway when she first saw the laser she would chase it. Like normal. It was hilarious. But now she's obsessed. If I don't shine it she will stare at me and wait for…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my dog obsessed with the red laser?...

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    • Why is my dog obsessed with the red laser?

      Why is my dog obsessed with the red laser? General Dog Discussions
      My dog Claira is a Maltese. She is a ball of energy but her reflexes are a bit slow. Anyway when she first saw the laser she would chase it. Like normal. It was hilarious. But now she's obsessed. If I don't shine it she will stare at me and wait for about an hour. If I still don't shine it she starts running through the house while whining. Like she's looking for it. And she knows it's in my control so she barks at me some too. She won't eat or sleep or play with her other toys or anything. It's making her crazy. Why?

      Why is my dog obsessed with the red laser?

      Why is my dog obsessed with the red laser? General Dog Discussions
    • Its mainly because, dogs have a special vision, they like bright lights in their eyes or like to see bright lights, just how jack russells like to have their noses covered up with a blanket or something, so if you shine a laser in her eye then she would be happy to, its mainly coz dogs have no colour in their sights

    • Some dogs get OCD about them. Personally, I wouldn't use it anymore. Take her for a walk instead. She's got you trained, so it may take a while for her to forget about it.